Manawatu Standard

Power of knowledge highlighte­d

- Lucy Townend lucy. townend@ msl. co. nz

‘‘ Education normalises the abnormal, empowers the powerless and makes the ordinary extraordin­ary.’’

Massey University alumnus Dion Tuuta shared those words of wisdom in front of a crowd at the last of this week’s six graduation ceremonies.

The service saw 55 Maori graduates don mortarboar­ds and robes, including an impressive range of korowai cloaks, to have their degrees conferred.

Among them were seven academics who received their PhDs – Jane Brockelban­k- Mullaney, Peter Hond, Acushla O’Carroll, Savern Reweti, Tupu Williams, Rebecca Wirihana and Johnson Witehira.

Tuuta, of Ngati Mutunga and Ngati Tama descent, shared his story of education and encouraged Maori to aim high.

‘‘ I’m the sort of person who never had a plan for himself, I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up . . . I was one of the first in my family to undertake tertiary education, [ and] many of you might be the same.’’

Tuuta completed a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, a Postgradua­te Diploma in Humanities and a Masters of Arts in History.

He has held positions as a historian, policy and project managers

‘‘ Education has more power than any treaty settlement, any Lotto win or any economic developmen­t strategy.’’ Dion Tuuta

and a writer with the Waitangi Tribunal and Ngati Mutunga iwi. He is now the chief executive of Taranakiba­sed farming company Paraninihi ki Waitotaraa.

‘‘ As you all sit there it’s worth reflecting that the person you are today is not the person you’re going to be in 10 years’ time, just as the person you are today is probably not the same person who walked into this institutio­n three or four years ago – life changes you,’’ Tuuta said.

‘‘ Education has more power than any treaty settlement, any Lotto win, or any economic developmen­t strategy. Knowledge gives you true power to change your life and set in place a positive legacy for yourself, your family and your descendant­s.

‘‘ In the space of one generation the idea of attending university has changed from something foreign and outrageous­ly frightenin­g to something my 10- year- old just expects as part of growing up – which truly makes the whole thing worthwhile.’’

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