Manawatu Standard

Pope takes plunge into the Big Apple

- AP

Thousands of people lined the streets leading to St Patrick’s to greet him, cheering, waving flags and adoringly chanting his name as he gestured toward them from his popemobile.

On the steps of the recently spruced up cathedral, dignitarie­s including Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio and US Senator Charles Schumer welcomed him for an evening vespers service.

Once inside, the pews full of priests and sisters erupted in applause when Francis told American nuns that he wanted to thank them for their strength, spirit and courage and to ‘‘tell you that I love you very much’’. It was the strongest expression yet of his gratitude for American nuns after the Vatican under his predecesso­r ordered an overhaul of the largest umbrella group of US sisters, accusing them of straying from church teaching. The nuns denied the charge and received an outpouring of support from American Catholics, and the crackdown ended this year, two years early, with no major changes.

In Washington earlier yesterday, the pope waded into bitter disputes while speaking to Congress, entreating the nation to share its immense wealth with those less fortunate. He urged Congress and the nation to abolish the death penalty, fight global warming and embrace immigrants. Lawmakers gave rousing ovations to the leader of the world’s Catholics despite obvious disagreeme­nts over some of his pleas.

After he addressed Congress, the first pontiff to do so, he underscore­d his message by travelling to a downtown Washington church, where he mingled with needy and homeless people, blessed their noontime meal and walked among them while they ate.

Francis wraps up his visit this weekend in Philadelph­ia, where he speaks in front of Independen­ce Hall and celebrates Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway to close out a big Catholic family rally.

At the Capitol, the remarkable sight of the Pope speaking in the House chamber seemed to delight lawmakers of all persuasion­s, though he offered an agenda more to Democrats’ liking.

 ?? Photo: REUTERS ?? Pope Francis waves to the crowds as he is driven down Fifth Avenue in the Popemobile at the start of his visit to New York.
Photo: REUTERS Pope Francis waves to the crowds as he is driven down Fifth Avenue in the Popemobile at the start of his visit to New York.

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