Manawatu Standard

Getting personal over poisoning


She called him a peddler of death; one who profits from the misery of others.

The shills of Big Tobacco are a legitimate target for anger.

MP Marama Fox had scope for withering reproach at a toxic industry in her televised debate with Dr Axel Gietz, who was here to emphasise the trademark entitlemen­ts in the face of the Government’s plans to introduce tougher plain packaging requiremen­ts.

She was doing fine until she fell into a trap of getting indulgentl­y personal.

She called him a peddler of death; one who profits from the misery of others.

That wasn’t the trap. It was personal, yes, but not indefensib­ly so. Anybody up for denying that he does?

No, the trap was upscaling things, perhaps because it felt so righteousl­y pleasing to keep going.

She called Gietz a corporate executione­r and trotted out a Nazi comparison to cast him as akin to Hitler’s propagandi­st Joseph Goebbels, – who was also a German doctor, see?

How many people would have heard that and thought, immediatel­y, of Godwin’s Law – that the longer a discussion goes on, the greater the risk some clod will bring out a Hitler/nazi comparison.

The implicatio­n is that generally this is where things have deteriorat­ed to the point where sensible people should tune out.

As it happens, Mike Godwin didn’t take the view that there are no valid lessons to be drawn from understand­ing Nazi methodolog­y. If anything his intent was more protective; that careless comparison­s debase legitimate ones. Was Fox’s comparison legitimate? What matters more is that it was so very unhelpful to her cause, allowing Gietz to adopt an air of aggrieved dignity and turning what should be a debate on law and morality into an inquiry into manners.

His message was essentiall­y that the industry’s right to make a legal buck demands huge compensati­on if, after so many years of deceit on its part, and indolence on ours, society truly commits itself to put the brakes on all that death and disease.

Which is fatuous nonsense. Every country has the sovereign right to protect the health of its people.

The industry cannot plausibly present itself as an honest player, surprised and disappoint­ed to discover, only now, that its product is pure poison that does unspeakabl­e harm.

And then contend that, even so, its business rights are somehow no less sanctified than human life.

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