Manawatu Standard

Dawning of age of Anthropoce­ne

Is the ‘Anthropoce­ne’ an exercise in geological bureaucrac­y or something sociologic­ally more significan­t? Tim Naish explains.


Pressure is mounting on the guardians of the Geological Time Scale, the Internatio­nal Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), to formally recognise a new epoch in Earth’s history.

Welcome to the age of the ‘‘Anthropoce­ne’’. This is to be known as the period of geological history in which human activities left an indelible imprint in sediment forming on the floor of oceans and lakes, and in snow and ice accumulati­ng in glaciers and ice sheets.

The Anthropoce­ne will end the 11,700-year-long reign of the Holocene Epoch, often referred to as the ‘‘goldilocks period’’ of equable climate, during which we enjoyed a very pleasant average global temperatur­e of 14 degrees Celsius – not too cold, not too hot, but just right for human civilisati­on to flourish.

But hold on, doesn’t it take a lot to end a geological period?

An asteroid crashing into Mexico was required to extinguish the dinosaurs that ended the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago.

And a major ice age in the Northern Hemisphere was required to start the Pleistocen­e Epoch 2.5 million years ago, which as it happened also coincided with the origin of our species.

So, has our species really done enough to change geological time?

Geologists subdivide the geological history of our planet into units of time extending back to its origin 4.543 billion years ago. Several criteria must be met by the ‘‘stratigrap­hic police’’ at the IUGS before a new epoch of geological time can be ushered in.

Critically, the new time unit must be recognisab­le in Earth’s rock layers on the basis of a physical or biological feature marking its beginning, which can be accurately dated and easily recognised in other parts of the world.

Global recognitio­n is the key. As a species, we have been leaving isolated archeologi­cal evidence of our existence and activities in the geological record since our origin. But it wasn’t until radioactiv­e fallout from atomic bombs in the mid-1940s that the first widespread evidence with global coverage was recorded in snow and ice cores, lakes, bogs and corals.

The so-called ‘‘chemical bomb spike’’ marks the beginning of the ‘‘great accelerati­on of the mid-20th Century’’, when globally synchronou­s changes started occurring to our planet’s climate and ecosystems. These changes are unusual in the context of the last 10,000 years and directly attributab­le to human impacts.

So what are they? We know from measuring ancient air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores that the present level of carbon dioxide is unpreceden­ted in the last 800,000 years and unpreceden­ted in other geological evidence over the last 3 million.

The rise in carbon dioxide to today’s level of 400 parts per million has mostly occurred in the last 100 years as a consequenc­e of our use of fossil fuels and has driven Earth’s average temperatur­e up by almost 1C. Earth’s temperatur­e is now well outside the variabilit­y of the last 2000 years.

The warming has produced dramatic physical changes to the surface of the Earth. The area of Arctic summer sea-ice has retreated by 50 per cent, polar ice sheets are melting, virtually all the world’s glaciers are shrinking, the ocean is warming to a depth of 4000m and sea-level is up 20cm.

With anthropoge­nic global warming, these changes are predicted to continue and in some cases accelerate. The only future scenario with a chance of keeping our climate within the dynamic range of the Holocene Epoch, and some would argue the last 3 million years, is the target signed up to in the Paris Climate Agreement late last year, which requires immediate and aggressive carbon dioxide emissions reductions to limit warming to 1.5 to 2C.

While Paris was a major diplomatic achievemen­t, the real concern is that the ‘‘intended nationally determined contributi­ons’’ pledged in Paris, including New Zealand’s, will not get us there. In fact the tabled emission reductions put us on track for a planet that will be closer to 3C warmer.

A recent meeting in Geneva, convened by the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scoped a study to look at how global warming could be

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