Manawatu Standard

Today in history


1170 — Archbishop Thomas Becket is slain at the altar in Cathedral of Canterbury, England.

1721 — French occupy Mauritius and rename it Ile de France.

1890 — United States troops massacre 200 Sioux men, women, and children at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

1933 — Romanian Premier Ion Duca is slain by Iron Guard, and George Tartarescu succeeds him.

1940 — German bombers inflict greatest damage on London since Great Fire of 1666.

1965 — Independen­ce is announced for Bechuanala­nd, which becomes Botswana.

1989 — Czechoslov­ak parliament elects dissident playwright Vaclav Havel as its president without opposition.

1996 — Guatemalan government and guerrilla leaders sign an accord ending 36 years of civil conflict, bringing Central America’s last and longest civil war to an official close.

1998 — In Yemen, troops surround and fire on a band of Islamic extremists holding 16 tourists hostage, ending a kidnapping that leaves six of the hostages dead.

1999 — The charismati­c leader of the Aum Shinrikyo cult is freed from prison and vows to resume his place in the doomsday-preaching group that five years ago released nerve gas on Tokyo’s subways.

2001 — A series of fireworks explosions spark a massive fire in downtown Lima, the capital of Peru, killing 291 people.

2004 — Paramedics spray Indian beaches with bleach and vaccinate tsunami survivors, as Indonesian authoritie­s bulldoze mass graves for thousands of corpses lining the streets and lawns of Banda Aceh.

2007 — Thousands of Kenyans enraged over delays in announcing the country’s next president after December 27 elections burn down homes and attack political rivals with sticks and machetes.

2011 — Turkish warplanes mistakenly kill 35 smugglers and other villagers in an operation targeting Kurdish rebels in Iraq, one of the largest one-day civilian death tolls during Turkey’s 27-year drive against the guerillas.

2014 — A ferry carrying 478 people catches fire off the Greek Island of Corfu, killing 12.

2015 — A suicide bomber on a motorbike kills at least 23 people at a government office in Pakistan and wounds more than 70. Today’s Birthdays: Jeanne d’etoiles, Marquise de Pompadour, mistress of France’s King Louis XV (1721-1764); Mary Tyler Moore, US actress (1936-); Jon Voight, American actor (1938- ); Marianne Faithfull, British singer (1946-); Ted Danson, US actor (1947-); David Boon, Australian cricketer (1960-); Jude Law, British actor (1972-).

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