Manawatu Standard

Today in history


Highlights in history on this date:

1834 – The city of York in Upper Canada is incorporat­ed as Toronto.

1836 – Alamo mission in San Antonio, Texas, falls to Mexican army after 13-day siege in which Davy Crockett and 186 other defenders die.

1857 – In its Dred Scott decision, the US Supreme Court holds that Scott, a slave, could not sue for his freedom in a federal court.

1945 – German city of Cologne falls to US First Army in World War II.

1946 – France recognises Vietnam as free state within Indochina Federation.

1953 – G.M. Malenkov succeeds the late Joseph Stalin as Premier of Soviet Union.

1965 – US Defence Department announces that 3500 Marines are being sent to South Vietnam – the first US ground combat troops committed to fighting against Communist guerrillas.

1997 – Separatist Tamil Tiger rebels break a two-month lull in Sri Lanka’s civil war by raiding an army base and an air field in coordinate­d, pre-dawn attacks that leave 213 people dead.

1998 – Controvers­y descends on New Zealand’s recently-opened national museum, Te Papa, when it displays a statuette of the Virgin Mary enclosed in a condom.

1999 – Ta Mok, the last leader of the murderous Khmer Rouge, is captured by the Cambodian army and flown to the capital for trial.

2003 – A high-profile New Zealand euthanasia advocate, Lesley Martin, is charged with the attempted murder of her dying mother.

2006 – Fairfax Media pays $700 million for popular internet auction site Trade Me, vaulting its young founder, Sam Morgan, on to New Zealand’s rich list.

2006 – Several cats test positive for the deadly strain of bird flu in Austria and Poland reports its first outbreak of the disease, as the World Health Organisati­on calls bird flu a greater global challenge than any previous infectious disease.

2009 – The retrial of David Bain for the 1995 murders of his parents and three siblings begins at the High Court in Christchur­ch, after his original conviction was quashed by the Privy Council.

2011 – The two opposition parties that triumphed in Ireland’s election, conservati­ve Fine Gael and left-wing Labour, agree to form the country’s next coalition government.

Today’s Birthdays: Michelange­lo, Italian renaissanc­e artist (1475-1564); Cyrano de Bergerac, French authorduel­list (1620-1655); Ed Mcmahon, US host/announcer (1923– 2009); Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, New Zealand opera singer (1944-); Rob Reiner, US director/actor (1947– ); Shaquille O’neal, US basketball player (1972– ); Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombian novelist (1927– ).

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