Manawatu Standard

Bowden: Kiwis can be harsh

New host Dominic Bowden tells Fleur Mealing why he thinks The Bachelor is so popular.


New Zealand frontman extraordin­aire Dominic Bowden is back on our screens as the friendly face of The Bachelor New Zealand.

Bowden, the former NZ Idol and X Factor NZ host, took some time out to talk about the upcoming season.

‘‘I really want people to go into this season with an open mind. Whatever they thought about the last season, it wasn’t the result we wanted either, but that’s life and that’s love and sometimes it is not meant to be.

‘‘At its heart, what we want this show to be is a journey that the viewers can go on with this guy who is really just trying to make a connection with these fantastic girls.

‘‘I believe this year we have a great selection of girls this season and we have Zac (Franich, this year’s Bachelor), who is just a really genuine guy.’’

Why do you think is so popular among Kiwis?

It is because it is celebratin­g Kiwis. It is such a small country that you are likely to know someone who knows someone who is on the show. I also think this show tries to celebrate that oldschool way of meeting people and there is just a bit of kitsch-factor to it as well.

It is a fun show to watch. It is a show you want to get together and watch and laugh at the ridiculous­ness these poor girls are put through.

In America, The Bachelor is the most social show on television and I think in New Zealand, when the show is on, it dominates social media.

Living in LA, looking at my own social feed, it is like, ‘‘wow, The Bachelor New Zealand is on’’. I think people really want to be a part of the conversati­on on the show. I don’t think it is something you watch and forget about it. It is something you watch and discuss until it is on again, because people can’t get enough.

I guess his ability to be really open. Zac sort of talks about that it is not the New Zealand way to be open, but he just wants people to get a sense of who he is.

I have been in a television environmen­t before and I know he will have some scrutiny and people asking if this is the real him, so I admire the fact he has put himself in this position and he is doing it very open-armed.

He comes from a really great family and I am sure that they will keep him grounded, but I think it is still a scary place to be.

Do you think Zac is ready for the scrutiny that comes with being on television?

I don’t think anyone is ever ready for going from nothing to going to something like this just overnight. Just walking down the streets where he lives and being recognised must be an absurdly unusual experience.

From what we have done so far, he has been incredibly true to himself. He is who he is and I guess that is all he can do. I don’t think anyone is ever ready for it and anyone that told you that they were would be lying.

It is a tough thing and my hat is off to him, because New Zealand can sometimes be quite harsh.

Do you think he will meet ‘‘the one’’?

I think that more than anyone I have ever met, he believes in serendipit­y. I think that sometimes in life now, especially in this modern age, it can be a lot easier to be cynical, but Zac does have that belief that there is serendipit­y and love at first sight and a lot of that comes down to his parents.

His parents have been married for many, many years. When he talks about advice and about wanting to do right on the show, he often mentions his mum and dad. I think they are first and foremost in his mind. Not only does he want to be a gentleman, but he is looking for what his parents have and, without giving to much away, there are indication­s that it could be getting that way.

If you were a bacheloret­te, how would you make a good first impression?

If I was a bacheloret­te! I’m a little bit privy to the man, so I would say things like, I was a huge surf lifesaving fan and I love the beach and family. In a wider sense, if my sister or my friend was going to go on, I would say you have to be who you are, because it is so difficult to fake it and be believable.

You will always get found out. If you say what you think he wants to hear, instead of what you actually feel, people can see right through it.

Finally, most importantl­y, will you be doing any of your famous long pauses on

Unbelievab­le, the pause man! It will be on my tombstone! Of course, as I always say, it was the producers in my ear saying, ‘‘no no no’’, but of course there will be no producers in my ear, so if I want to do long pauses I will do them.

I am only kidding. There will be no long pauses from me, but I think that maybe Zac might be dropping a few in there. Certainly he has to make those really tough decisions and we are dealing with a guy who is going to love every single minute of this experience, except that one.

I am passing the pause mantle on to Zac and I’m training him, but I don’t think he will be able to beat my one-minute record that I did last season on The X Factor .Itis something I have a plaque for and I am very proud of!

The Bachelor New Zealand

7pm, Sundays and 7.30pm, Mondays, Three.

 ??  ?? Bachelor host Dominic Bowden wants the viewer to go on with Zac as he tries to find ‘‘the one’’.
Bachelor host Dominic Bowden wants the viewer to go on with Zac as he tries to find ‘‘the one’’.

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