Manawatu Standard

Syria decries US attack on airbase


LEBANON: Syria decried a US missile attack yesterday on a government-controlled air base where US officials say the Syrian military launched a deadly chemical attack earlier this week, calling it an ‘‘aggression’' that led to ‘‘losses.’' Rebels welcomed the US attack.

About 60 US Tomahawk missiles hit the Shayrat air base, southeast of Homs, a small installati­on with two runways, where aircraft often take off to bomb targets in northern and central Syria. The US missiles hit at 3.45am. Friday morning (local time) and targeted the base’s airstrips, hangars, control tower and ammunition areas, US officials said.

They were fired from two warships in the Mediterran­ean Sea, in retaliatio­n for Tuesday’s deadly chemical attack that officials said used chlorine mixed with a nerve agent, possibly sarin.

A military official quoted on Syrian TV said an air base in central Syria was hit yesterday, causing material damage. Another statement, also attributed to an unnamed official, referred to ‘‘losses.’' The officials did not elaborate.

Talal Barazi, the governor of Homs province, where the targeted air base is located, told The Associated Press by phone that most of the strikes appeared to target the province in central Syria. He also said the strikes were meant to ‘‘support the terrorists on the ground.’' He told Al Arabiya TV that a fire raged for two hours in the base, until it was put out.

A Syrian opposition group, the Syrian Coalition, welcomed the US attack, saying it puts an end to an age of ’’impunity’' and should be just the beginning.

Major Jamil al-saleh, a Usbacked rebel commander whose Hama district in the country’s centre was struck by the suspected chemical weapons attack, said he hoped the US attack on a government air base would be a ’’turning point’' in the six-year war that has left more than 400,000 dead.

Israel’s prime minister welcomed the US attack. Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday in a statement that ’’In both word and action’' President Donald Trump ‘‘sent a strong and clear message’' that ‘‘the use and spread of chemical weapons will not be tolerated.’'

The bombing represents Trump’s most dramatic military order since taking office. The Obama administra­tion threatened attacking Assad’s forces for previous chemical weapons attacks, but never followed through. Trump called on ‘‘all civilised nations’' to join the US in seeking an end to the carnage in Syria.

President Bashar Assad’s government had been under mounting internatio­nal pressure after the chemical attack in northern Syria, with even key ally Russia saying its support is not unconditio­nal and the US launching a barrage of cruise missiles at a government­controlled air base in Syria.

Turkey, meanwhile, said samples from victims of Tuesday’s attack, which killed more than 80 people in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, indicate they were exposed to sarin, a highly toxic nerve agent.

Syria rejected the accusation­s, and Moscow had warned against apportioni­ng blame until an investigat­ion has been carried out.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that ‘‘unconditio­nal support is not possible in this current world.’'

Russia has provided military support for the Syrian government since September 2015, turning the balance of power in Assad’s favour. Moscow has used its veto power at the Security Council on several occasions since the civil war began six years ago to prevent sanctions against Damascus.

Syria maintains it didn’t use chemical weapons, blaming opposition fighters for stockpilin­g the chemicals. - AP

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Shayrat Airfield in Homs, Syria, is seen in this Digitalglo­be satellite image released by the US Defence Department.
PHOTO: REUTERS Shayrat Airfield in Homs, Syria, is seen in this Digitalglo­be satellite image released by the US Defence Department.

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