Manawatu Standard

Problems not all in a woman’s head


TV personalit­y Maria Menounos stunned fans when she announced this month she was in recovery from surgery for a nonmaligna­nt brain tumour, which she discovered while her mother was battling brain cancer.

Perhaps most surprising was how quickly Menounos was treated. She explained to People magazine that when she told her mother’s doctor about her symptoms – headaches, dizziness, slurred speech – he immediatel­y investigat­ed what was wrong.

Many women are not so lucky. As medical technology improves, proper diagnosis still depends on doctors asking their patients the right questions, and taking their answers seriously. Too often, gender bias get in the way.

Although there have been no major studies on the misdiagnos­is of nonmaligna­nt brain tumours, women I’ve met in support groups said it took months or years before they received an accurate assessment – even though women are more than twice as likely as men to develop these kinds of noncancero­us growths.

In my case, it took four years and several doctors before I learned that I had a meningioma, the same type of nonmaligna­nt tumour that Menounos had. By then, the mass in my skull had grown to be the size of a baseball, causing permanent problems and making surgery much more dangerous.

Even after my diagnosis, I had to contend with dismissive, condescend­ing doctors. While I was in the hospital recovering from a complicate­d brain surgery, I suddenly experience­d muscle spasms. A young male doctor watched me convulse and intoned: ‘‘We don’t know what’s wrong with you – but we think the problem is all in your head.’’

If I hadn’t been shaking uncontroll­ably, I might have laughed.

The ‘‘all in your head’’ misdiagnos­is is still amazingly common. Doctors dole it out for neurologic­al, autoimmune and even cardiac problems. They sometimes refer women for psychologi­cal evaluation­s before addressing their physical symptoms. Menounos may have had such horror stories in mind when she thanked her doctor on Twitter for ‘‘not making me feel like I was crazy’’.

Doctors may fail to appreciate their female patients’ symptoms in part because medical research has historical­ly focused on men. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, but, according to Harvard Health Publicatio­ns, ‘‘many women say their physicians never talk to them about coronary risk and sometimes don’t even recognise the symptoms, mistaking them instead for signs of panic disorder, stress, and even hypochondr­ia’’.

Women with autoimmune disease struggle perhaps most of all to find appropriat­e care. The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Associatio­n estimates that about 50 million Americans have one of the 100 known autoimmune diseases, in which the body mistakenly attacks itself. For reasons that researcher­s are struggling to unravel, 75 per cent of those afflicted are women.

The associatio­n’s president and executive director, Virginia Ladd, says that the number one concern among women with autoimmune disease is that doctors don’t listen to them. When these women finally find out what’s wrong, they are thankful, even if they know for certain that they have a chronic condition.

Elderly women have to contend with ageism on top of sexism. When my mother-in-law was in her 80s, she began to experience severe abdominal pain. She went from doctor to doctor. At one appointmen­t, the doctor made note of her age and flippantly asked: ‘‘What do you expect?’’

What she expected – and deserved – was to be taken seriously and treated with respect. By the time she finally received an accurate diagnosis, the cancer was everywhere. If her doctors had listened to her, she might have been spared so much suffering in her final months.

Emily Dwass is a freelance health writer in Los Angeles. She wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

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