Manawatu Standard

Gunman continues to evade police searchers


An alleged gunman who opened fire on police officers remains on the loose despite a night of armed searches in the town.

The manhunt for the suspect, named by police as Rollie James Heke, 36, continued yesterday after an explosive Monday night in the Waikato township ended with no arrest.

Heke is alleged to have fired a volley of shots at three police officers with a military-style semi-automatic gun early Sunday before fleeing.

About 6pm on Monday armed police swarmed a property one kilometre from where Heke abandoned a red Holden after the police chase ended in gunfire on Sunday.

Tear gas cannisters were fired at a home as armed offenders squad members assisted in a search of the property. Police on a loud hailer could be heard saying ‘‘Come out with your hands up’’.

Residents gathered on the street where police had placed spikes on the road as the five-hour drama unfolded.

A man at the cordon said he got a call from neighbours saying his house, which is owned by his girlfriend, was surrounded by police about 7pm.

The 25-year-old man, who didn’t want to be named, said he was told police had asked people to come out of their house, as well as the house next door. ‘‘I never know who is living there. So many people coming and going.’’

No-one was at his address as his partner is away for the week. ‘‘But I stayed there last night and was there again until about 2pm today. So pretty scary,’’ he said.

The man said he rang police and gave them the house key.

Another resident who is inside the cordoned-off area said he had ‘‘front-row seats’’ to the police operation.

The man said he’d heard the ‘‘boom sounds’’ as the tear gas canisters were fired, and had seen armed police and police dog units surround a home nearby. He added that police had searched the property nearby, and ‘‘everything went bang and flash’’.

The house remained under guard overnight with further searches of the property made yesterday.

Crowds erupted in cheers after armed police pulled a man from a car in Morrinsvil­le’s main street yesterday afternoon as tensions remain high following the shooting and manhunt. But the dramatic traffic stop in Thames St netted only a motorist with a sore back who was reclining to ease the pain.

Police are now appealing for anyone who knows Heke or where he might be to call police immediatel­y on 111. He is believed to be armed and dangerous and should not be approached.

Police have said Heke is actively avoiding police and is known to have links to Hamilton, Auckland and Tauranga.

Heke went on the run in March after cutting off his electronic monitoring bracelet.

He had several existing warrants to arrest for methamphet­amine related offences and breaching bail conditions.

In December 2014, Heke, who was in Rimutaka Prison at the time, was involved in a major methamphet­amine importing ring allegedly run from behind bars. Last September he was wanted for breaching bail conditions.

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