Manawatu Standard

Labour’s cabinet revealed


''It will be a government we can be proud of.'' Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern has announced the 16 Labour MPS that will make up the bulk of the new Cabinet.

Those MPS are David Clark, Clare Curran, Kelvin Davis, Chris Hipkins, Iain Lees-galloway, Andrew Little, Nanaia Mahuta, Stuart Nash, Damien O’connor, David Parker, Grant Robertson, Jenny Salesa, Carmel Sepuloni, Phil Twyford and Megan Woods.

There will also be four ministers outside Cabinet from Labour - Kris Faafoi, Peeni Henare, Willie Jackson, Aupito William Sio and Meka Whaitiri.

In total the executive will be made up of 28 members, which is in line with past government­s.

Four cabinet positions will go to NZ First as part of their coalition deal with Labour.

The Greens will also have three ministers outside of Cabinet, and NZ First will have one.

Ardern said the decision on who to select was tough because of the talent in her team and she acknowledg­ed she’d like the gender balance to be better.

Next week Ardern will announce the portfolios those Ministers will hold, including the NZ First and Green ministers.

‘‘Early next week there will also be an official signing of agreements with NZ First and the Green Party that will form the foundation of a strong and durable government.’’

Earlier on Friday Ardern entered the Labour caucus room to a standing ovation and made a brief speech.

‘‘I believe that this will be a government of change, it will be a government we can be proud of, and this will be a moment in time that all of us can look back on with a sense of immense pride, and a sense of honour and privilege,’’ Ardern said.

‘‘We have been gifted by the people of New Zealand an opportunit­y, and it is for us to make the most of that, to show that we have earned that responsibi­lity, and to deliver for everyone who needs us to be here the most.’’

‘‘We remain distinct parties. Labour remains a party that at its core is based on making sure that we defend the rights of workers in New Zealand.’’

On their way into the meeting Labour MPS stayed mum on which roles they wanted, saying that was for their leader to decide.

Housing spokesman Phil Twyford admitted he would be disappoint­ed if he didn’t become a minister.

Health spokesman David Clark said he was leaving the process up to the caucus.

‘‘I’m just delighted that we’re in an position where we might be able to make some real progressiv­e change for New Zealand,’’ Clark said.

Waiariki MP Tamati Coffey was the only one willing to put all his cards on the table: he said he was gunning to be prime minister.

 ?? PHOTO: ROBERT KITCHIN/ STUFF ?? Prime minister elect Jacinda Ardern arrives to a warm welcome from her caucus.
PHOTO: ROBERT KITCHIN/ STUFF Prime minister elect Jacinda Ardern arrives to a warm welcome from her caucus.

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