Manawatu Standard

Pilot studies for degree while jet-setting


Distance learning has been taken to extremes by Singapore Airlines pilot

Linpiao Ang, who has been jetsetting to glamorous destinatio­ns around the world while finishing his degree.

Ang joined the Singapore Air Force when he was 19 and was a pilot there for 12 years, before flying commercial­ly for another 15 years. He had bucket loads of experience, but wanted to match that with formal learning.

Yesterday, the Singapore resident, now 50, made his first stop in Palmerston North to graduate with a bachelor of aviation management from Massey University.

‘‘Whenever I fly to London or Frankfurt, Los Angeles, San Francisco, all those places, there’s lots of dining and shopping to do, but I had to give up everything. I’d go to my room with my books.

‘‘After I get enough rest, I do my study. A lot of perseveran­ce and dedication is required, but I really enjoyed what I was learning.’’

Ang’s last year was particular­ly hard. First, his father had a major stroke and Ang wanted to be there for him during the months of recovery.

‘‘I read my books and wrote my assignment­s in the hospital next to my dad’s bed when he was asleep.’’

He knew his dad wouldn’t want him to give up the degree.

Then in June, just before Ang’s final exam, his wife’s father died unexpected­ly.

‘‘The flight back home was the most dreadful I have ever done in my 30 years’ flying,’’ he said.

The funeral was at the same time as his final exam, but his family urged him to sit it.

‘‘The emotional sadness was overwhelmi­ng ... I had to remind myself ... to stay focused.’’

Afterward, he rushed back to be with family for prayers. ‘‘It was definitely the encouragem­ent of my wife and family that helped me.’’

He is proud to have done well, despite the heartbreak.

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