Manawatu Standard

100,000 100,000 march march for vote on EU EU deal deal


Thousands marched through central London on Saturday, local time, the second anniversar­y of the EU referendum, to demand a final vote on any Brexit deal.

Organisers of the People’s Vote march estimated that more than 100,000 protesters joined the demonstrat­ion through Westminste­r.

The protest is part of a ‘‘summer of action’’ by campaign groups designed to increase pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Sir Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat leader, Caroline Lucas, co-leader of the Green Party, Sir Tony Robinson, the actor and a former member of Labour’s national executive, and the proeu campaigner Gina Miller were among those to address the crowds in Parliament Square.

Cable said Brexit was ‘‘not a done deal’’ and could be reversed. Lucas told the crowd that Brexit ‘‘will be a disaster for this country’’.

Anna Soubry, the Conservati­ve MP who has repeatedly rebelled over Brexit, also attended as it emerged her constituen­cy chairman had written to local party members to canvass if they were ‘‘happy’’ with her as their MP in a move which could lead to her being deselected.

Hundreds attended a counterpro­test. Stephen Goodall, 96, a World War II veteran, led the proeu protesters.

The demonstrat­ions highlight continuing splits over Brexit. Leave-supporting cabinet ministers, including Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox, led a co-ordinated strike yesterday intended to put pressure on the prime minister not to betray their vision of Brexit. Fox, the internatio­nal trade secretary, said the prime minister was ready to walk away without an agreement as part of her commitment to deliver a ‘‘people’s Brexit’’. The government was committed to its policy of ‘‘no deal is better than a bad deal’’.

Johnson said the public wanted the ‘‘government to fulfil the mandate of the people and deliver a full British Brexit’’. Their warning came as ministers battled for control of the Brexit process before a key meeting at Chequers next month.

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 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? A protester holds up a sign displaying a Rick Astley song lyric during the People’s Vote demonstrat­ion against Brexit on Saturday in London.
GETTY IMAGES A protester holds up a sign displaying a Rick Astley song lyric during the People’s Vote demonstrat­ion against Brexit on Saturday in London.

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