Manawatu Standard

Not always such good neighbours


Five months have passed since Australia’s 60 Minutes programme fawned over Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern but, as cringeindu­cing as the encounter with our ‘‘young, honest and pregnant’’ leader was for host Charles Wooley, it pointed towards a larger truth that reflects well on New Zealand. That is, Australian­s are increasing­ly looking across the Tasman for politician­s with principles.

More recently, Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters and Justice Minister Andrew Little have been setting a moral example to our cousins across the ditch. Peters warned Australia that its detention of a 17-year-old New Zealander was in breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Little went further on Australia’s

Foreign Correspond­ent programme this week, when he blasted Australia’s lack of ‘‘humanitari­an ideals’’ and its ‘‘breach of human rights’’. ‘‘It seems to me that there is a venal, political strain to all this,’’ he added.

Some will claim that Australia’s laws are its own business, and New Zealanders have no place lecturing it. However, Little argues that it is ‘‘improper’’ to deport New Zealanders who identify as Australian residents and have lived most or nearly all of their lives there. ‘‘Improper’’ would seem to be too polite a word for the heartless and callous way that Australia has been acting.

The 17-year-old, who is understood to have almost no family connection­s in New Zealand, spent four months in a detention centre in Melbourne intended to house adults.

After an appeal, he has been released, had his visa returned and has gone back to family, who live nine hours’ drive away in New South Wales. But he may still be deported under the powers of Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

About 1200 New Zealand citizens have been deported from Australia since changes were made to that country’s Migration Act in 2014. The tougher laws determined that anyone convicted of an offence attracting more than 12 months in prison will have their visa cancelled.

Unsurprisi­ngly, there have been divergent opinions about the 17-year-old’s offending. Dutton called him dangerous, but immigratio­n lawyer Greg Barns said he committed ‘‘stock standard’’ crimes and that ‘‘nothing in his offending would make him such a danger to the community [that] he has to be removed’’.

Barns said the youth was being poorly treated in a centre that lacked educationa­l facilities or access to services, and that he had concerns for his mental health. A freelance journalist who talked to the teen reported that he was affected by his detention and had not been eating or sleeping properly.

Australian Children’s Commission­er Megan Mitchell agreed that ‘‘prolonged detention can have a profoundly negative impact on the mental and emotional health and developmen­t of children’’.

Despite the successful appeal, advocate Timothy Gassin sees a dangerous precedent emerging. After deporting adults, Dutton may now be moving against minors. Again, there is a grim irony to that statement, as Barns and other human rights campaigner­s have acknowledg­ed. When it comes to keeping minors in detention centres, Australia has already had plenty of practice on Nauru.

‘‘Little argues it is ‘improper’ to deport New Zealanders who identify as Australian . . . ‘Improper’ would seem to be too polite a word for the heartless and callous way Australia has been acting.’’

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