Manawatu Standard

Letters to the editor


In response to the letter by Chris Teo-sherrell, I share his disappoint­ment at not being in attendance for the Horizons Long-term Plan hearing. I planned my time away around my council responsibi­lities. In November last year I arranged and booked flights for an overseas trip leaving after the scheduled Long-term Plan meeting. Unfortunat­ely, less than two months prior to my departure, the council moved the meeting date to when I would be away due to unexpected delays with the auditor. I travelled to the UK for an important family event as well as business meetings. As a committed councillor I read the submission­s, including the council summary of the oral submission­s, and attended via audio-video link the deliberati­ons meeting overnight from 10pm until 4.30am UK time while away. Overall, I have missed only one meeting for 2017-18, giving me a 97.4 per cent attendance this year. For the past five years of my Horizons council meetings I pride myself as having only missed two meetings, the one mentioned and one other when sick in hospital. The other years I have had 100 per cent attendance. High attendance is extremely important. Former city councillor Chris Teo-sherrell recorded a 93 per cent attendance rate in 2015. It would be good if he could get his facts correct before making false claims relating to my attendance to council matters.

Feilding, Horizon Regional councillor

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