Manawatu Standard

Brazil: The hard Right wins again

- Gwynne Dyer

Aman who makes United States President Donald Trump look like a bleeding-heart liberal will almost certainly be Brazil’s next president. Jair Bolsonaro won 46 per cent of the vote in Sunday’s first round of the Brazilian presidenti­al election, with 12 other candidates running. Fernando Haddad, who will face him alone in the run-off in three weeks’ time, got only 29 per cent.

Haddad, who leads the socialist Workers’ Party, will pick up most of the voters whose first-choice candidates have fallen by the wayside, but Bolsonaro needs only one in six of those votes to win the second round. Game over, in more ways than one.

Trump and Bolsonaro are populists cut from the same cloth. They both depend heavily on social media and on the support of evangelica­l Christians. They both oppose same-sex marriage, abortion, affirmativ­e action for minorities and drug liberalisa­tion. But Trump’s views shift when it is to his political advantage – he once supported most of those policies – whereas Bolsonaro has always belonged to the hard Right.

Trump is an instinctiv­e authoritar­ian who chafes at the restrictio­ns of the US constituti­on, but does not attack it directly. Bolsonaro praises the ‘‘glorious’’ period of the military dictatorsh­ip, 1964-1985, in which he served as an army officer, and claims that its only error was that ‘‘it tortured, but did not kill’’. It did, actually. At least 434 leftists were killed after being tortured.

Trump is a racist, but he talks to his overwhelmi­ngly white base in dog-whistle code. Last year Bolsonaro said members of black rural settlement­s founded by the descendant­s of slaves ‘‘don’t do anything. I don’t think they’re even good for procreatio­n any more.’’ No dog whistle there.

Trump pulled the US out of the climate change treaty and Bolsonaro wants Brazil to do the same. But Bolsonaro also wants to privatise and ‘‘develop’’ the entire Amazon: ‘‘Not one centimetre will be demarcated for indigenous reserves.’’

Trump is a sexist who was once caught boasting on tape about ‘‘grabbing pussy’’, but mostly avoids such language in public. Bolsonaro told a female member of Congress that ‘‘I’m not going to rape you, because you’re very ugly’’. He believes women should not get the same salaries as men because they get pregnant, and said that he had a daughter in ‘‘a moment of weakness’’ after fathering four sons.

Trump is an undiscipli­ned narcissist who claims to be a tough negotiator, but will generally roll over if you throw him a few concession­s and let him declare a ‘‘victory’’.

Bolsonaro, however, is a serious man. He has made a former general, Hamilton Mourao, his running mate, and promises to fill his Cabinet with other generals. In a recent video produced by Haddad, he can be seen arguing: ‘‘You won’t change anything in this country through voting... You’ll only change things by having a civil war and doing the work the military regime didn’t do. Killing 30,000 ... If a few innocent people die, that’s allright.’’

Bolsonaro doesn’t talk like that now, for obvious reasons, but there is no reason to believe that he has changed his mind. Brazil’s 200 million people may be in for some nasty surprises – and beyond the country’s borders Bolsonaro’s presidency will encourage neo-fascists and would-be military dictators in other Latin American countries.

That’s the real concern and it extends to other continents too. How bad will it get and how long will it stay bad? Quite bad and for quite a while, one suspects.

Now, the Boks are boasting they can match the All Blacks every time. We shall see.

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