Manawatu Standard

What election tampering looks like

- Leonard Pitts Jr Leonard Pitts is a columnist for The Miami Herald.

Isaid it before, I’ll say it again. ‘‘As this country becomes blacker, browner, gayer, younger, more Hispanic and more Muslim, it is increasing­ly the case that the GOP cannot win if all voters vote. It cannot win, in other words, without cheating.’’

That observatio­n, made a few weeks back, was, let us say, not applauded by conservati­ve readers.

Not that their vexation was surprising. In the face of dwindling numerical primacy, much of the right has seized, like a pit bull on a steak, upon a narrative diametrica­lly opposed to the truth.

It casts them as the real victims here, contending with a widespread conspiracy of voter fraud in which armies of ‘‘illegals’’ vote early and often, to the detriment of good, God-fearing conservati­ves.

Those who believe that claptrap can produce not a single fact to support it, but they cling to it neverthele­ss. It is their life raft upon a sea of change.

Well, on Monday, the life raft sprung a leak – again. The reference is to news out of North Carolina that the bipartisan State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcemen­t has now twice declined to certify Republican Mark Harris as the winner of a congressio­nal race amid charges of GOP dirty tricks.

There are accusation­s, backed by statistica­l analyses and eyewitness accounts, that people acting on Harris’ behalf went door to door in Democratic-leaning areas, collected absentee ballots from voters in potential violation of state law, and diverted them from the ballot box.

Given that Harris ‘‘won’’ by a paltry 905 votes, those accusation­s are seismic.

More to the point: As Republican­s go about claiming victimhood in a ‘‘conspiracy’’ that is a figment of their collective imaginatio­n, this is what actual election tampering looks like. Not millions of people voting who shouldn’t, but rather, votes stolen, by chicanery, mendacity and intimidati­on, from people who have every right to participat­e in the electoral process.

There are many more examples. This year in Georgia, for instance, 4700 voters found that their vote-bymail applicatio­n forms had mysterious­ly gone missing.

In Wisconsin, certain voters received fliers warning that ICE would be patrolling polling places. In New York state, a GOP candidate sent out fliers with false deadlines for the return of absentee ballots. All this, according to the nonpartisa­n Brennan Centre for Justice at New York University School of Law.

Nor should it surprise anyone that this kind of flim-flam – to say nothing of photo ID laws, bans on early voting, closures of polling places and other impediment­s – tends to have its greatest impact upon Democratic voters; that’s what it’s designed for.

If there is a correspond­ing litany of abuses that disproport­ionately suppresses Republican votes, I’ve never heard of it.

So one gets sick and tired of watching Republican­s hyperventi­late about a problem that does not exist while ignoring one that does. If they are really serious about confrontin­g threats to the integrity of American elections, the first step is to get a mirror.

The second is to come to terms with reality. America is changing, rapidly, dramatical­ly and irrevocabl­y. And the GOP needs to figure out how to compete in this new nation, how to make itself a party whose appeal extends beyond angry, older white male voters.

That’s a reckoning the right has avoided for years, but it becomes less avoidable every day.

Indeed, not all the dirty tricks and photo ID laws in the world can obscure the hard but simple truth Republican­s face.

Namely, that the future is coming, fast. And they can’t cheat their way around it.

America is changing, rapidly, dramatical­ly and irrevocabl­y.

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