Manawatu Standard

Today in History


641 AD – Chinese Princess Wen Cheng goes to Tibet to marry the Tibetan ruler and the marriage becomes the basis for China’s claim to sovereignt­y over the region. 1642 – Abel Tasman is the first European to sight NZ, viewing the northwest coast of the South Island.

1868 – Henry O’farrell fires a gun at Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s second son, at a picnic at Sydney’s Clontarf Beach. He survives.

1894 – Coca-cola is sold in bottles for the first time. 1930 – Mahatma Gandhi opens civil disobedien­ce campaign in India against British.

1938 – Nazi Germany invades Austria.

1945 – Anne Frank, left, the Dutch Jewish teenager who kept a diary of her wartime experience­s, dies in the Bergen-belsen concentrat­ion camp in Germany, aged 15.

1988 – South African government bans church-led opposition group headed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu as ‘‘threat to public safety’’.

1993 – At least 200 people are killed and 1100 injured in a series of bomb explosions in Bombay, India.

2000 – Pope John Paul II asks forgivenes­s for past sins of his Church, including its treatment of Jews, heretics and women.

2001 – A US Navy jet mistakenly drops a bomb on a group of military personnel at a bombing range in Kuwait, killing five Americans and one New Zealander.

2003 – Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic dies after being struck by two bullets in Belgrade.

2011 – First reactor at Fukushima nuclear power plant melts and explodes, a day after a large earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

2013 – Curiosity rover answers a key question about Mars: the red planet long ago harboured some of the ingredient­s needed for primitive life to thrive.


Jack Kerouac, US writer (1922-1969); Edward Albee, US playwright (1928-2016); Liza Minnelli, US singer-actress (1946-); Mitt Romney, US politician (1947-); James Taylor, US singer (1948-).

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