Manawatu Standard

Samoa Govt joins fight against measles

- Florence Kerr in Samoa

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sail el em ali e leg aoih as shut down Government offices to assist in the mass vaccinatio­n programme.

The Government will be closed tomorrow and Friday so employees can assist in the campaign. Only the utilities office – charged with electricit­y and water – will remain open.

Hundreds of volunteers are going to villages throughout Samoa this week to vaccinate all age groups.

In his speech late on Monday, the prime minister extended his sympathies to those who had lost loved ones and sentwell wishes to those with the disease.

He encouraged people to seek assistance from registered health officials.

‘‘Let us work together to encourage and convince those that do not believe that vaccinatio­ns are the only answer to the epidemic,’’ he said.

‘‘Let us not be distracted by the promise of alternativ­e cures. Measles is not a new disease to Samoa and rarely claimed lives.

‘‘We need to understand the following issues, vaccinatio­ns is the only cure (and) if affected cases are presented early for treatment, full recovery should be

expected . . . No traditiona­l healers or kangen water preparatio­ns can cure measles.’’

Since declaring a state of emergency, Samoa has received assistance from Australia, New Zealand, France and Britain, China, Norway, Japan, the United Nations, United States and American Samoa.

Non-government agencies which have assisted include ADRA, Red Cross, Caritas, the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and private sector organisati­ons and individual­s.

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