Manawatu Standard

Pompeo’s mission: A deal in Jerusalem

- Gwynne Dyer

Israel’s new two-headed government, with Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, was supposed to be sworn in last Wednesday. Then suddenly the inaugurati­on was postponed by one day to accommodat­e a quick visit by United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. What brought Pompeo so far for so short a time?

The real purpose of Pompeo’s lightning visit to Israel was to make sure Netanyahu actually goes ahead with the annexation of part of the occupiedwe­st Bank, thus killing off the possibilit­y of a two-state solution that includes a Palestinia­n state. But surely that’s what Netanyahu wants to do anyway.

US President Donald Trump’s ‘‘Vision for Peace’’, released in January, endorsed the unilateral imposition of Israeli sovereignt­y on 30 per cent of the West Bank. Netanyahu has made endless promises to Jewish settlers in the West Bank, an important part of the voting support for his various coalitions, to annex their settlement­s to Israel. So why was Pompeo’s visit necessary?

It’s because everybody knows Netanyahu can’t be trusted – and he has reasons not to go ahead with the annexation as planned.

The bigger Arab states are all resigned to the end of Palestinia­n hopes for a state, but there would still be negative consequenc­es for Israel in the region. Jordan has a long border with Israel and popular protests against the annexation might force the king to end the peace treaty with Israel to survive.

The Palestinia­n Authority, an unelected body that effectivel­y runs the occupied West Bank – except the Jewish settlement­s – on behalf of Israel, would probably collapse. Thatwould leave Israel with the difficult task of maintainin­g direct military rule over three million Palestinia­ns.

Even worse, if Netanyahu annexed the West Bank he would lose the ability to dangle that promise endlessly before the settler voting bloc. He is cynical enough to be guided by this calculatio­n, so Trump cannot trust him to do the annexation – and Trump really needs him to do it before November, because of the US election.

‘‘For Trump’s evangelica­l and Rightwing Jewish base, Israeli annexation – and the last rites it will administer to the dying two-state solution – iswildly popular,’’ wrote Daniel Shapiro, a former US ambassador to Israel, in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Trump will need the enthusiast­ic support of those voters to win in November, so he has to nail Netanyahu down now.

That is tricky, because the government that has just taken power in Jerusalem is far more complicate­d than the usual Israeli coalition. It is a two-headed monster in which Netanyahu’s Likud bloc and Benny Ganz’s Blue-and-white bloc, originally founded with the explicit goal of driving Netanyahu from office, will not share power, but exercise it separately.

Netanyahu and Ganz will each be prime minister for 18 months and every government committee will be equally divided between the blocs. For the first six months, at least, bothmen will have a veto on proposed legislatio­n – with one important exception. From July 1, Netanyahu can propose a law annexing part of the West Bank without fear of a veto by Ganz.

Netanyahu fought hard for that exception, because Trump is his ally and he needs to be able to deliver for Trump on the annexation. But how much of the West Bank should Israel seize? Pompeo is there to help the unwilling partners decide and here’s what he’s probably selling.

Trump would be content to have Israel annex only a few chunks of thewest Bank near the Israeli border – say Gush Etzion, Maale Adumim and Ariel. Most of his evangelica­l supporters wouldn’t notice the difference, because they’re not good on the geography of modern Israel,although they are pretty solid on Old Testament geography.

Ganzwould settle for that too, because it would be less likely to trigger the collapse of the Palestinia­n Authority or the abrogation of the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan.

And Netanyahu? He would still have the annexation of the other Jewish settlement­s in the West Bank to dangle before the settler voters of the next generation. Even if he’s convicted of corruption in his forthcomin­g trial, he’s only 70.

Gwynne Dyer’s latest book is Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work).

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during their meeting in Jerusalem.
GETTY IMAGES Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during their meeting in Jerusalem.
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