Manawatu Standard



■ I understand names of places having their Ma¯ori name, but not the Manawatu¯ Standard. Manawatu¯ is correct but Hau Rewa? The newspapers are typically English. A written newspaper is part of our European heritage therefore it should remain Standard. Our European heritage is just as important. Weditor responds: The masthead is Manawatu¯ Standard

for over 300 editions a year. On the seven or eight occasions when Hau Rewa Manawatu¯ is the dominant banner, our considerat­ion is for what this inclusion may mean to Ma¯ori readers, rather than any confusion it may cause Pa¯keha¯.

■ Nothing changes. National giving tax cuts for middle and highincome earners, but nothing for the low-income earners, most probably increase GST.

■ Photo of Jacinda on Friday, what happened to social distancing? Hypocritic­al don’t you think.


■ Jacinda dished out the money – some good, but most of it irresponsi­ble to win voters’ favour – and put NZ deep in the red. Is she still paying a company millions to enter the Pike River Mine when the health system cries out?

■ Heard on country programme that two deaths on farms result of tractor accidents. Should these not be in paper so those advocating anyone can drive one can’t without fatal consequenc­es?

■ I see they have unveiled the Ma¯ori

sculpture in the lagoon new housing area. A very distinguis­hed warrior with standout features.

■ The Foxton east drainage $9 million update is not necessary. All Foxton’s flooding is caused by blocked drains.

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