Manawatu Standard

Five-minute quiz


1. Their first names were Thomas and George, and they started a company that made cracker biscuits. What were their surnames?

2. Under the imperial measuremen­t system, what does the abbreviati­on cwt. stand for?

3. What 1982 hit song by Elton John was written as a tribute to the slain John Lennon?

4. What fictional character was played in movies by Genewilder in 1971 and Johnny Depp in 2005?

5. Paul Allen was the co-founder of what technology company?

6. What animal-related nickname was given to British soldiers of the 7th Armoured Division who fought in the North African desert inworld War II?

7. Pumpernick­el bread is made from what type of grain?

8. In which play by Shakespear­e does the title character kill his uncle, King Claudius?

9. What word can precede bean, currant and pudding?

10. What hit musical takes its title from the name of one of America’s founding fathers?

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