Manawatu Standard

5-minute quiz


1. In which hemisphere would you see Aurora Borealis?

2. Bojangles Robinson, Shirley Temple and Fred Astaire were known for performing what style of dance?

3. From which fruit is the alcoholic beverage Perry made?

4. ‘‘Knock at the door’’ is a bingo call for which number?

5. Who is the Greek god of wine?

6. The YeomanWard­ers of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, are better known by what name?

7. In cockney rhyming slang, ‘‘my trouble and strife’’ refers to what or whom?

8. What Broadwaymu­sical, and later amusical film, was adapted from the play Pygmalion?

9. 1893 saw New Zealand become the first country to give what to whom?

10. In 2001, the Energy Minister, Pete Hodgson, was also appointed to what position which involved the promotion of an Oscar-winning trilogy?

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