Manawatu Standard



Across: 1 Indie, 8 Pendants (Independen­ce) ,9 Ovation, 10 Treasure, 11 Clarity, 12 Scott, 15 Oscar, 18 Every, 19 Telex, 22 Blaring, 23 Outdated, 24 Airtime, 25 Prudence, 26 Spite. Down: 2 Novelist, 3 Interval, 4 Henry, 5 Advance, 6 En suite, 7 Essex, 8 Potty, 13 Overstep, 14 Transmit, 16 Centaur, 17 Relaxed, 20 Oldie, 21 Poppy, 22 Beach.

The solution to today’s Telegraph crossword will appear with your next crossword.

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