Manawatu Standard

Text the editor


▍ The coalition govt’s changes to save money have so far hurt people on benefits and people with disabiliti­es. Where are their changes that ‘‘hurt’’ the wealthy? Muzz

▍ We need to give police a decent wage. When my brother died the policeman stayed an hour and comforted elderly mother.

▍ Re the Freyberg School issue. Since when has spitting at/on someone been ‘‘freedom of speech’’. If it was against the police a chargeable offence. One student spat at the ground. We are also bestowed with freedom of expression. To breach this right, the spit would need to have prevented Mr Seymour from carrying out his duties or be considered violent behaviour – Ed

▍ Manawatu council might be crowing about a 7.08% rates increase but our rates are already high. My rates are $4500, with the increase they will be $4818. Palmy rates less expensive. Curly

▍ If individual­s wish to spend their own money on electric vehicles, they are welcome. In these times of ever-rising rates, I object to council spending our rates to satisfy their ideologica­l dreams, for very little, if any, discernibl­e gains. Our existing buses were not broken.

▍ Just a couple of correction­s to Peter Lampp’s article about Parkrun. There are 43 Parkruns in NZ, not 23, and we regularly have at least two people in their eighties who finish in less than 45 minutes each week – if they're not volunteeri­ng! Come and give it a go!

▍ Wonderful interview with Richard Anderson re ‘‘Relay For Life’’ in Monday's paper. Couldn’t agree more and as a team captain from day one this event remains a highlight of the year and is an important part of so many people’s year for so many reasons.

▍ Travelling back through Palmy to Hamilton, noticed some nutcase has put bus stop signage in middle of road.

▍ Feathersto­n St was a main arterial route across town until ruined by bus stops in the main carriagewa­y and the left turn lane into Rangitīkei being removed, causing huge traffic congestion.

▍ Very disappoint­ed with the travel pages in Monday’s paper. The photos were incorrectl­y labelled. York Minster is not a ruin, I suspect the photo more likely to be of Rievaulx Abbey and the so-called Shambles more like Minster Gate. Apologies. I’ve alerted the print team – Ed

▍ Unlike Russell Coutts & company, the dolphins choose to stay loyal to NZ. I say begone to you. J.B. ▍ When Jacinda Ardern abandoned NZ politics she supposedly had nothing left in the tank. Now Grant Robertson abandons NZ with no money left in the bank (just an iou for $93 billion).

▍ The NZ Open will not be held next year because some golfin has been seen on the course.

▍ Who was the idiot who authorised the road blocks (bus stops) on Feathersto­n Street? How much did they cost? Hope the Green Party are paying.

▍ The Minister of Housing says he wants to deliver real progress in housing. Good luck to him. The National Party have never supported building public housing, just selling them. They have the record to prove it. Kevin Reilly

▍ Who was the numpty that thought putting a bus stop on Pioneer Highway on the opposite side to Countdown, without a bus layby? Same as Feathersto­n St, right cock up.

▍ Feathersto­n St, what a bloody shamble. Bus stop in the middle of the road, right in front of traffic lights. Who is paying for this cock up? Ratepayers of course. Sack this brainless council lot. Koro

▍ Sorry, Mr Perenara. Stating your support for the Hurricanes female haka interpreta­tion, you've lost admiration and respect from many who once were Hurricanes supporters. FGS

▍ So, China hacked NZ govt in 2021. Why has it taken them three years to realise this? It doesn’t inspire confidence in the govt. John m burkett

▍ Seymour open to changing his mind. Hope he finds a decent one next time. E.C.

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