Manawatu Standard

Text the editor


▍ The freight ring road already exists though it needs a big tidy up. It's the across PN main access routes which need planning and action. Don't strangle traffic flow on main routes. G

▍ Māori opposition MPs promote taxing the "rich" more but convenient­ly ignore iwi trusts paying no tax. Charity researcher Dr Michael Gousmett has disclosed Ngai Tahu Sea Foods made a tax free 2023 profit of $35 million.

▍ Vanderkolk corrupted justice system should be struck off as crown prosecutor. Davies possibly as well.

▍ Just spent a wonderful time at the Hokowhitu Primary School centenary. It was a shame not many ex students had registered. Congratula­tions to the school and the organising committee. A great time had by all. KC

▍ Re Friday’s article on Feathersto­n St. I feel less safe using the pedestrian crossing by Aroha St than before it was changed. Cars don't even stop to let you get to the other side a lot of the time. Maybe some of the councillor­s should try using themselves. HD

▍ National campaigned in last year’s election on slashing public sector spending but was adamant it would target back room jobs and protect frontline services. Absolute lies! Muzz

▍ The problem at the lights on Feathersto­n St would not exist if McDonald’s hadn’t been allowed to have a drive-in opposite Countdown. Absolute madness.

▍ $1.3m Feathersto­n St cock-up and it’s not finished. Now pleading for more money to fix Ring Rd. Koro

▍ Counsellor­s who realise the muck up with the roads around Feathersto­n St will be voted back in, the rest are useless. Some been there too long. Bella

▍ Send brief messages to 021 064 0009.

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