Manukau and Papakura Courier

Serious injuries hobble Steelers


Rebuilding the Counties Manukau Steelers is the challenge facing new coach Darryl Suasua.

The 50-year-old is being forced to contend with eight battle-hardened front-liners out for the season.

Chief props Pauliasi Manu and Nepo Laulala, loose forwards Maama Vaipulu and Sam Henwood, wing Glen Fisiiahi, blindside flanker Dan Hyatt and lock/loose forward Ronald Raaymakers and Jonathan Kawau were missing from the Steelers squad named yesterday.

Manu, Laulala, Vaipulu, Henwood, Hyatt and Raaymakers were in the core leadership group that the Steelers developed under Tana Umaga.

‘‘To lose such quality players and people before the season even starts is tough. One, maybe two, wouldn’t too big an issue. Eight is definitely a challenge,’’ Suasua says.

‘‘We’ve had to dig into our club resources as a result. We have had a number of guys who have played well at club level and now they get their chance at the next level.’’

They include loosies Sootala Fa’aso’o, Fotu Lokotui and Viliame Taulani.

Number eight Fa’aso’o, a Papatoetoe High School old boy, is a former New Zealand schools captain and was contracted at Auckland for two years before he had a knee reconstruc­ted.

‘‘He is a big boy at 1.95m and weighing more than 115kg. He is in the mould of Vaipulu.

‘‘Lokotui has been one of the stand-out loosies in club rugby for a few years now. Taulani is out of Manurewa High School and is a strong young prospect for the future.’’

The standout signing, no doubt, is Cameron Skelton, the brother of New South Wales and Australian lock Will Skelton. The 21-year-old stands 2.05m (6ft 9in) and weighs around 150 kg.

Luckily for Suasua, the Steelers backline remains almost intact.

The Blues-bound second five Sonny Bill Williams and halfback Augustine Pulu are expected to join the team after the New Zealand Sevens’ Olympic Games campaign.

They compliment the likes of Piers Francis, Sherwin Stowers, Sione Molia, Sam Vaka and Chiefs winger Toni Pulu.

The Steelers have two preseason hit outs against Samoa A on August 5 and Northland and the All Blacks on August 12. Both games will be played at ECOLight Stadium, Pukekohe.

They kick off their season against North Harbour at Albany on August 18.

‘‘ Eight is definitely a challenge’’

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