Manukau and Papakura Courier

‘We’re built for connection’


Youngsters helped by a charitable trust are gaining new confidence and direction in their lives.

Manurewa youth group WhatHope was establishe­d two years ago with the goal of creating a ‘‘culture of belonging’’, cofounder Kenneth Sin says.

‘‘We are all built for connection and we want to provide a platform for youth to grow and develop. It’s important for young people to have a sense of belonging.’’

The trust, based at Mountfort Park, runs a youth programme and workshops for people aged 13-20. It offers activities including creative arts, performanc­e and music on Tuesday nights.

‘‘We do games and things like writing CVs and then have supper,’’ Sin says.

‘‘We also have youth-run nights so they can develop leadership skills.’’

Two young people benefiting from their involvemen­t with the trust are 18-year-old Papatoetoe local Reubin Popata and Vanessa Koti, 16, who lives in Manurewa and goes to James Cook High School.

Reubin says he used to be shy and quiet but now has the confidence to start conversati­ons.

‘‘I’ve found my gift, which is helping others. If I see someone struggling I go and help them. Just by being here I’ve built confidence in myself and it’s helped me to walk the right path.’’

Vanessa says the trust’s leaders helped her deal with the trauma of losing two close relatives in tragic circumstan­ces.

‘‘They’re my second family. They’ve helped me with skills I can take and use in the outside world and to become confident.’’

Trust leader Charlie Tuitupou helps with the Tuesday night programmes and works with her peers to find ways to get more youth engaged.

‘‘We have strong relationsh­ips with them and stay in touch during the week. They come to me for advice and I learn things from them as well.

‘‘This gives them a platform to make a difference.’’

Sin says the trust provides profession­al video and audio at community events and sells food at local sports matches to raise money.

It’s also developing relationsh­ips with key people , he says.

‘‘We’re role modelling to youth that there’s power in serving.’’

Go to, email or phone 09 213 3341.

 ?? CHRIS HARROWELL ?? The WhatHope youth group are, from left, Charlie Tuitupou, Vanessa Koti, Reubin Popata and Kenneth Sin.
CHRIS HARROWELL The WhatHope youth group are, from left, Charlie Tuitupou, Vanessa Koti, Reubin Popata and Kenneth Sin.

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