Manukau and Papakura Courier

Replacemen­t name lacks vision


seem happy with the idea.

Surely, we need a name that is hopeful, visionary and positive. In the jargon of the day, an ‘‘aspiration­al’’ and not a ‘‘deficit’’ name. As Children’s Commission­er, my clear reservatio­ns to this name are well known. But I also want to be constructi­ve and collaborat­ive. So should all of us, given the whole country’s stake in ensuring the best possible replacemen­t for CYF and better outcomes for our children. My suggestion is that, as a country, we try to find a better name for the new agency. We should all have a voice, as this type of decision deserves wide input and discussion. I invite you to have your say. I encourage children and young people to contribute because we know from our experience that you will have unique and clever ideas.

To get you thinking, how about the ‘‘Ministry for Children’s Futures’’, or the ’’Ministry of Child and Youth Wellbeing’’, or ‘‘Awhi Rito’’, as examples?

It is worth rememberin­g that any name should be inclusive of some who may remain in state care or support until the age of 21 or even 25. And, the name will need to have a readily translatab­le Maori equivalent. After all, at least 65 per cent of those in state care or the youth justice system are Maori, and Te Reo is an official language of Aotearoa New Zealand.

In one sense, how well the new organisati­on does will stand or fall on its ability to collaborat­e with the Maori community.

But a name is only the start. While we need to get it right, much more important will be the substance of the new model and its operationa­l mechanics. You can be sure that my Office will be working closely with the team creating the new Ministry to provide constructi­ve feedback and regular independen­t comment throughout the process.

Not all that work will be in the public domain or is something I can discuss through the media.

Choosing a name that we can all get behind is a good first step.

Do you have a better name for the new department? Email with your ideas.

 ??  ?? Judge Andrew Becroft and former Mangere-based lawyer.
Judge Andrew Becroft and former Mangere-based lawyer.

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