Manukau and Papakura Courier



I care about who should run our Council, local boards and district health boards. Therefore I will vote for candidates who appear to care more about serving Papatoetoe than serving their political parties. The Papatoetoe community has failed to thrive due to apathy from local politician­s and therefore failure of confidence by locals in political warm seats. Candidates I think can can bring about necessary action are those who commit themselves to the basics such as telling us in advance when Poppy Day is, when the trains are going to be leaving, and why footpath work is delayed.


Papatoetoe they are free-range, barn, colony or convention­al cage operations, bring in new laying birds to replace hens when they enter their first four-to six-week period of non-laying. As Cattin states, this is a matter of commercial viability. The output of hens after they resume laying declines steadily over time. With reference to the use of the term ‘‘rehabilita­tion’’ in the article, it is also worth noting that all hens entering their fallow period moult and lose feathers. This is a natural phenomenon that does not reflect in any way on the high standards of welfare under which commercial hens in New Zealand are raised.

Michael Brooks

Executive Director, Egg Producers Federation of New Zealand Chicken correction­s: See the letter from Michael Brooks.

politics by a former Labour Party member. My results over the last 30 years representi­ng the area speak for themselves.

Ross Robertson QSO JP FNZIM Papatoetoe

Just because we have so many fast food outlets, it doesn’t mean you have to eat crap every day. People should be more wise with there food choices.

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