Manukau and Papakura Courier

Tibetan Buddhists pray for world peace


People are invited to pray for peace at a spiritual ceremony held to also remember the living and the dead.

The ‘ Kagyu Monlam’ will be staged at Palpung Thupten Lungtok Kunphen Choling Monastery in Alfriston from October 22-24.

New Zealand’s largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery, it sits on an 11-acre site and includes a more than 3000 square metre, threestore­y temple, or gonpa.

The whole facility will have cost about $11 million to construct when finished in late 2018.

It’s administer­ed by the Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Charitable Trust and funded by donations and profit from the sale of 28 houses on land subdivided from the original parcel.

Project manager and trustee Michael Barracloug­h says the Kagyu Monlam will be led by Pong Re Tulku Rinpoche, who’s known as the Kiwi Buddha and based in India.

‘‘There will be prayers, teachings, chanting and a tree-planting.

‘‘The prayers will be for the living and deceased and for world peace.

‘‘It’s open to anyone interested in enjoying the surroundin­gs and participat­ing in the events.

‘‘The environmen­t offers a place of retreat and harmony.’’

The temple’s abbot, Venerable Choje Lama Shedrup, was born in Tibet and is the founder of Palpung centres in New Zealand and Australia.

He says the almost completed building has accommodat­ion for lamas (a chief or high priest), a main shrine room, an office and classrooms.

A future part of the complex will house a kitchen, dining room, library and public facilities.

The temple’s grounds will feature landscaped gardens and will be a tranquil place for the public to visit, Barracloug­h says.

Choje Lama says the local community deserves to enjoy what’s being built at the site.

‘‘New Zealand is a peaceful country. It is amazing and peaceful and pure.

‘‘Every good thing will come here. This is very special.’’

Kagyu Monlam is at the monastery at 1 Wastney Rd from 9am to 5pm over Labour Weekend with a free vegetarian lunch each day from 12pm to 1.30pm.

Go to for more informatio­n on the event or to and search for Palpung Auckland.

 ??  ?? Venerable Lama Karma Dorjey, Venerable Lama Tsewang, Venerable Karma Gyaltsen, Venerable Pema Lhundup, Venerable Choje Lama Shedrup.
Venerable Lama Karma Dorjey, Venerable Lama Tsewang, Venerable Karma Gyaltsen, Venerable Pema Lhundup, Venerable Choje Lama Shedrup.

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