Manukau and Papakura Courier

Residents to talk activism at conference


The Park Up For Homes protests earlier this year drew thousands all over the country including 1500 people to the events in Mangere and Otara.

Two Mangere residents, Bex Rillstone and Annaliese Johnston, were behind this activist movement and will now be sharing their story at the inaugural Justice Conference on October 29.

The internatio­nal gathering is a space for communitie­s to understand and make life changes by practising justice.

Rillstone and Johnston will be talking about their experience­s and why they believe ‘‘we can all be activists’’, alongside other acclaimed speakers such as Children’s Commission­er Andrew Becroft, the Salvation Army’s Major Campbell Roberts and Bishop of Wellington Justin Duckworth.

Annaliese Johnston, who came up with the idea for the Park Up for Homes movement, works as a policy analyst with the Salvation Army but also provides legal advocacy at the Mangere Community Law Centre.

‘‘I believe that it is important that everyone feels empowered to speak up,’’ she asserts.

Johnston thinks the conference is important for South Auckland because it is a place where people deeply care about justice.

‘‘Our people have been practising justice and activism for years - whether that is ensuring every child has a safe home, caring for your elderly neighbour, voting in the elections. All these things are about building justice,’’ she says.

A family worker at Monte Cecilia Housing Trust, Bex Rillstone says that they will be giving a clear message that ‘‘anyone can be an activist’’.

‘‘This conference is especially important for South Aucklander­s because they have been disempower­ed for so long that many feel like they do not have a voice.

‘‘It is best placed to be engaging in social activism and social change.’’

Tearfund is bringing the Conference to New Zealand and CEO Ian McInnes hopes it will bring people together to talk about justice for those disadvanta­ged.

The Justice Conference is being held on October 28 and 29 in Mt Wellington, with preconfere­nce events on the 27th. A two-day ticket priced at $160.50 can be purchased online. Students and senior citizens are eligible for a discount.

 ??  ?? Mangere residents Annaliese Johnston and Bex Rillstone will speak at the Justice Conference in Mt Wellington.
Mangere residents Annaliese Johnston and Bex Rillstone will speak at the Justice Conference in Mt Wellington.

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