Manukau and Papakura Courier

‘Young and robust’

Counties Manukau sports developmen­t adviser Willie Maea, 51, has lived in Otara since 1973.


I love the richness of the people and the cultures. I have three neighbours, a Cook Island family living next to us, a Fijian/Maori family behind, and Vietnamese family across the road. We’re always saying hello, sharing fish and barbecues.

What do you like best about Otara? What do you like least and how can we fix it?

The negative stereotypi­ng of Otara still grates. There’s a lingering perception that it is over run by gangs which is so far from the truth.

Give me three words that come to mind when I say ‘South Auckland’?

and exciting.

Young, robust

Where’s the best place to buy dinner in Otara?

I enjoy going to Li’l Abners on Gt South Rd in Hunters’ Corner, Papatoetoe. I love their rotisserie chicken. And for the best burger and chips, the Otara Scorpions Cafe at Ngati Otara Park.

What’s one piece of wisdom you’d like to pass on to others, particular­ly young people?

Respect is earned and is not a right. Saying thank you and helping the elderly and stuff like that is also big in my books.

What’s one trial or struggle that you’ve overcome?

The lessons I’ve learned from parents have helped me endure.

Is there a particular place in Otara you like going or that you would recommend to tourists?

I’d take them to the big kilikiti tournament­s that happen at Ngati Otara.

…I’d really look at fixing of all the parks and field in Counties Manukau. There’s a big push everywhere these

If I was Auckland’s mayor I’d

days to have people of all ages get into activities and recreation. They need facilities. I’d also fast track the proposed Ngati Otara Sports Complex and the cultural centre for the Otara marae.

Who is the Kiwi you admire most - and why?

My parents, Maea and Toi for what they’ve done for me. Alf Filipaina and Efeso Collins are two others. I’ve seen them grow from grass roots to become councillor­s for the Manukau Ward.

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