Manukau and Papakura Courier

Bridge closure raises questions


South Auckland motorists are worried about the impact a bridge’s closure may have on their daily commute.

The Orams Rd bridge in Manurewa will be closed for five months from April 22 as part of the southern corridor improvemen­ts project on the southern motorway.

Its eastern beam needs to be demolished, followed by the rest of the bridge, to allow for a fourth southbound lane to be constructe­d. The bridge will then be rebuilt and is expected to reopen in October.

The NZ Transport Agency issued a media release on April 10 advising motorists, pedestrian­s and cyclists to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journey because of the work.

Resident Sarah Jane says local roads are congested enough without the bridge being closed for five months. She first saw a road sign publicisin­g the closure on the weekend of April 1-2.

‘‘It’s going to have huge ramificati­ons on Mill Rd, Everglade Dr and Redoubt Rd. Also, where was the public consultati­on? Where is the advice to the hundreds if not thousands of people impacted by this closure?’’

Jane says ‘‘huge disruption’’ followed when the bridge was closed for two months in 2009. She’s also concerned about the impact to traffic flows at the intersecti­ons of Redoubt Rd and Everglade Dr and Goodwood Dr.

People are sharing their views on the closure on community networking website Neighbourl­y.

Linda Scott of Manurewa says she learned the bridge was being closed from a road sign she saw while taking her daughter to school.

‘‘With the bridge closure and extra traffic it will probably add another 20 minutes’ travelling time ... to drop her off via Redoubt Rd and for me to get to work in Manukau city.’’

Weymouth woman Shelley Heke says the bridge closure is going to be a ‘‘huge inconvenie­nce’’. ’’[It] will make things worse on the already choked-up Redoubt Rd.’’

Jo Asiata from Manurewa says driving around the area is ‘‘crazy enough’’ already. ‘‘Great South Rd at 1.30pm is bumper-to-bumper [so] what will peak hour look like?’’

See NZTA response, right.

 ??  ?? The Orams Rd bridge is being demolished to allow a fourth lane to be constructe­d on the southern motorway.
The Orams Rd bridge is being demolished to allow a fourth lane to be constructe­d on the southern motorway.

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