Manukau and Papakura Courier

Tips to reduce risks of a stroke or heart attack


Stroke is New Zealand’s third largest killer. Delayed recognitio­n of a stroke can have tragic consequenc­es, including further damage to the brain or death. Nine thousand Kiwis suffer from strokes every year. That is around one stroke per hour!

A survey by the Stroke Foundation found around one-third of New Zealanders were unable to recognise any signs of stroke.

Know the Signs of Stroke – Think FAST!

F- Face – Is their face drooping on one side?

A - Arm – Is one arm weak?

S - Speech – Is their speech jumbled, slurred or lost?

T- Time – Time to call 111

Brain damage can occur very quickly, so medical help is needed immediatel­y. Stroke is always an emergency.

There are things you can do to prevent stroke happening to you or someone you care about. Certain risk factors increase your chances of having a stroke.

Here are the key risks and some actions you can take to lower your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure

A person with high blood pressure is up to seven times more likely to have a stroke. It’s important that you have your blood pressure checked regularly and that you take steps to reduce it if it’s high.

High cholestero­l

Cholestero­l is a type of fat that is found in your blood. Too much of it can cause the blood vessels in your body to harden and block, increasing your risk of stroke.

Atrial fibrillati­on

Atrial fibrillati­on is a type of irregular heartbeat.Talk to your doctor about getting checked for this. Medication can regulate your heartbeat and reduce the chance of a clot forming.

Eating more fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat will help lower your blood pressure.

Stop smoking

Smoking stroke risk.



Exercising regularly and being active will help you control many risk factors for stroke including high blood pressure and high cholestero­l.

Keep alcohol intake low

To reduce your risk you should aim for at least two alcohol-free days per week.

Lose weight

Being overweight puts extra strain on your blood vessels and heart.

Take your medication

Never stop taking medication without first talking to your doctor.

 ?? 123RF ?? Nine thousand Kiwis suffer from strokes every year.
123RF Nine thousand Kiwis suffer from strokes every year.
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