Manukau and Papakura Courier

Finding more time for life outside work


OPINION: Over the last 12 months, I’ve become a bit of a bookworm.

Every evening after the kids have gone down and I’ve prepped as much as I can for the following day, I curl up in my jammies, snuggle into bed, and read.

My current favourite novelist is Meg Mason. If I had the time, I would consume a book by her in a day. Instead, I look forward to my evenings with her, opening the book (I’m a paper-pages kinda gal, by the way) and escaping into her imaginary world for a short time.

And the best bit about this hobby? It’s (relatively) free. Sure, I pay for my books, prefer new releases, and usually buy online from Bookety Book Books, a local Kiwi bookstore that can be pricier than the likes of Amazon and Book Depository – and I’m supporting local and that makes me feel good – while I read in the evenings and as much as I could through the summer holidays, the only thing that costs me is the snacks and wine I sometimes consume at the same time.

Free hobbies simultaneo­usly save money and create joy.

If you’re into reading too, set up a book club with your nearest and dearest, or join a local book club – you might find one on Neighbourl­y. Instead of buying new (I’m preaching to myself here), swap books with friends when you’ve finished reading them or go 50/50 on a book and take turns ‘‘owning’’ it.

Of course, libraries are completely free. You sometimes have to wait for the newest releases to appear on the shelves, but some libraries offer a large audio book selection which is handy for those long car journeys or making cleaning the toilets more palatable.

Another free hobby I’m quite keen to get into this year is propagatin­g. My indoor plant collection is slowly growing, but I would like to take it to the next level – minus the cost. My plan is to take cuttings from friends’ luscious plants and pop them in water at my house, then return the favour until we’re all overrun with indoor rainforest­s. Indoor plants can cost a bundle (last weekend I paid $35 for a small string of bananas) so this is a great way to add to your collection without breaking the bank. And hey, if you’re really successful, this could be the start of a profitable side hustle too.

If you’re into trains, model aeroplanes, or remote control cars, some communitie­s have local motorised clubs you can join. If you like riding your bike (either cycle or motor), calendaris­e your hobby so you spend more time doing what you love rather than thinking about it. Hiking is another free activity that will help you feel connected to the great outdoors while keeping fit and healthy.

Life is more important than work. Find more time to do what you love – without spending too much on it.

 ?? ?? If you’re into reading, set up a book club with your nearest and dearest, or join a local book club – you might find one on Neighbourl­y.
If you’re into reading, set up a book club with your nearest and dearest, or join a local book club – you might find one on Neighbourl­y.

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