Marlborough Express - Weekend Express

Precious arrivals


Two rare red pandas have been born at Auckland Zoo. The twins, yet to be named, arrived into the world on January 3 each weighing about 100 grams.

They are the second and third cubs born to 4-year-old mum Bo and 13-year-old Sagar, who just over a year ago produced their first-born, a male named Pabu.

The zoo said the new cubs were yet to be named or their gender determined, but they were valuable additions to the internatio­nal breeding programme for red pandas.

‘‘We’re absolutely delighted Bo has had two healthy cubs and that she’s proving once again to be such a confident and attentive mother,’’ acting carnivore team leader Lauren Booth said.

So far the zoo team had checked and weighed the cubs but were trying to remain hands-off.

‘‘They have now opened their eyes and are moving about in the nest box a little more, and will sometimes ‘huff’ at us,’’ she said.

‘‘Their weights have shot up to 403 grams and 423 grams, respective­ly – above average, so we know they’re getting plenty to eat, but they still have a lot more growing to do!’’

Lauren said that like 1-year-old Pabu, who will be moved to an Australian zoo within six months,

The average lifespan of a red panda is eight to 12 years, but they can live considerab­ly longer in zoos.

The red panda communicat­es with squeaks, chattering noises and chipmunk-like sounds.

Although it shares the same name, the red panda is not related to the giant panda. In fact, the red panda is not related to any other animals, making it unique.

It is uncertain how many remain in the wild – the Internatio­nal Union for the Conservati­on of Nature (IUCN) Red List estimates the global population of red panda to be about 10,000. There are close to 500 in zoos worldwide.

The IUCN Red List classifies the red panda as ‘‘vulnerable’’. It is threatened by illegal hunting and deforestat­ion. Remaining population­s are fast becoming fragmented and isolated from each other.

Endemic to the temperate forests of the Himalayas, the red panda ranges from Nepal in the west to China in the east. They are also found in northern India, Bhutan and northern Myanmar.

Visit redpandane­ the cubs would eventually leave the zoo to contribute to the internatio­nal breeding programme.

Visitors to Auckland Zoo will be able to catch the cubs’ parents and older brother Pabu out on display, but the cubs are not expected to venture out of their nest box until March when they are at least 12 weeks old.

Their gender will be confirmed in early March when they have their first veterinary check.

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