Marlborough Express - Weekend Express

Grey Power discounts; be kind, courteous


We have received a complaint from a business that Marlboroug­h Grey Power members have been quite abusive to the owner and staff about the offering of discounts to customers who are members.

Our position is that you are entitled to ask for a discount. Many businesses are part of our discount scheme and they should advertise this fact with an easily read notice to customers.

However, no person, member or otherwise, is entitled to abuse businesses who do not offer discounts.

Some businesses are finding profitabil­ity hard to achieve with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Some people are also stressed by our current situation.

Neverthele­ss, discourteo­us behaviour is not approved by Grey

Power Marlboroug­h.

We do have the ultimate sanction of removal from membership if the Associatio­n, through due process, finds that a member is bringing our associatio­n into disrepute. Abusive behaviour could fall into that category.

Rather, let’s practice kindness and courtesy. From that we all benefit.

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