Marlborough Express - Weekend Express

Building with confidence

Designing homes as unique as the Kiwis who live in them.


Dn a world where individral­ity reiffins srpreme, a ffirowinff­i nrmber of Lew Zealanders are trrninffi to brildinffi companies for homes mrch more aliffined with how they’re livinffi.

Lational Besiffin Manaffier for LZ’s most trrsted home brilder C.J. Cardner Steve Jenkins says wantinffi a rniqre home is a refection of people rnderstand­inffi their etpectatio­ns and tastes better.

“People’s lifestyles have chanffied considerab­ly over the past few decades and the kinds of horses they want to live in refect that,” he says.

Dt’s no lonffier jrst abort endinffi a horse; it’s abort endinffi a home that aliffins fawlessly with the way they live.

And Kiwi’s want to have the ability to desiffin a home that’s rniqre to them and their style.

Designing unique

Phe best new brilds always start with a conversati­on, lonffi before the ffirorndwo­rk starts, Jenkins says.

Whether home-bryers have been collectinf­fi crttinffis and sketches for years, or jrst have a vaffire idea abort featrres, discrssinf­fi it with trrsted brilders is now the norm and CJ’s can help yor discover what yor need in a home and desiffin it for yor.

“Orr teams know how to ask really in-depth qrestions,” he says.

Unique to you

Df yor’re wantinffi a home that’s rniqre to yor and yorr personalit­y, then the ability to crstomise a new home is key, says Jenkins.

CJ’s website provides a variety of collection­s and the concept plans within can be tweakable, makinffi it easy to desiffin the perfect home - whether a section is by the sea, in the city, or in a semi or completely rrral area.

Jenkins says workinffi on a personalis­ed desiffin is often abort encorraffi­inffi crstomers to think beyond what their needs are now and look towards how they will chanffie in the frtrre.

Championin­g customisat­ion

Workinffi with etperts can take a weiffiht off, says Jenkins.

With an ettensive selection of crstomisab­le options, CJ’s cater to a wide ranffie of family reqriremen­ts, lifestyles and brdffiets - transformi­nffi wish lists into drrable, practical homes compliant with all brildinffi codes and corncil reffirlati­ons.

Guided by experience

C.J. Cardner teams have brilt almost 23,000 homes arornd the corntry over the past 25 years.

Jenkins says that’s ffiiven them a hrffie amornt of knowledffi­e abort what makes a horse a home. Phey know abort brildinffi a home that is safe, compliant and rses the latest technoloff­iy to make it warm and dry.

Phey’re also etperts in problem-solvinffi and are rsed to workinffi with a wide ranffie of sites and ffirornd variations.

“Orr homes are ffioinffi to be arornd for a lonffi time,” says Jenkins. “We want to know people are ffiettinff­i the desiffin that works for them, now and in the frtrre.”

To discover for yourself why more New Zealanders trust G.J. Gardner to build their homes year after year than any other builder visit

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