Marlborough Express - Weekend Express

Long Term Plan open for public consultati­on


Mayor Nadine Taylor said at Council’s meeting to adopt the LTP the biggest challenge was how to fund the local share of the Marlboroug­h Sounds road repairs, which were damaged by storms in 2021 and 2022.

“This is one of the most significan­t decisions facing us in Marlboroug­h:

‘who pays what’ towards rebuilding the transport network in the Sounds over the next decade and beyond,” Mayor Taylor said. “The good news is that NZTA is planning to contribute 71 per cent of the cost of the repairs and 51 per cent of the road improvemen­ts. But that still leaves Marlboroug­h ratepayers needing to find $104 million dollars, the local share of the repair bill.”

Five options are outlined in the LTP Consultati­on Document, alongside a range of other items for public feedback. They include increased general roading maintenanc­e funding of $27.5M over the next three years, flood protection improvemen­ts for Spring Creek and funding for a sports pavilion at A&P Park in Blenheim. “Council's preferred option is to split the Sounds roading repair bill across five Sounds zones with the rest of Marlboroug­h contributi­ng via a uniform annual charge. This would mean non-Sounds ratepayers would contribute about 70 per cent of the cost of repairs,” Mayor Taylor said.

The proposed rates increase this year is below the average across the country at 12.58 per cent, not including Sounds roading repairs. If the repairs go ahead as proposed, an additional 0.37 per cent will apply, bringing this year’s increase to

12.95 per cent.

The LTP continues Council’s strong capital expenditur­e programme with a focus on core infrastruc­ture and public services - pipes in the ground, water treatment facilities and road maintenanc­e with Council proposing to invest $1 billion over the next 10 years, $277 million more than the previous ten-year plan.

To make a submission go to links. marlboroug­­y

Copies of the Consultati­on Document are available at Council’s customer service centres.

The Marlboroug­h Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2027 is also available for public feedback over the same period via Council’s website.

 ?? ?? Marlburian­s are now encouraged to make a submission on the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024-2034.
Marlburian­s are now encouraged to make a submission on the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024-2034.

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