Marlborough Express

The past and the future


What did you wish for at this time last year? Did you make it happen; did it happen of its own accord? Do you even remember?

For that matter, how much of the year do you actually recall outside a few significan­t events that might have punctuated those 365 days of your life?

On the world stage there have been numerous events ranging in importance from mass shootings and continued unrest in the Middle East to a royal pregnancy. In New Zealand it has been a relatively quiet year, with the major celebratio­ns around our successes at the London Olympics.

One of the golds at London brought much happiness to Marlboroug­h when Picton rower Joseph Sullivan teamed up with Southland’s Nathan Cohen to win the double sculls. It was the first gold for an athlete from the region and no-one was surprised when Sullivan was named sportsman of the year – for the third time.

The economy has started to flicker to life again, and indicators such as Paymark figures suggest people are spending again, at least cautiously. The grape harvest gave better returns this year than the previous few, and growers are hoping for a better crop again for the 2013 vintage. But there is still a way to go until there is real confidence that the country is coming out of the trough.

One of the most significan­t events of the year came just days before Christmas when a draft ruling from the Environmen­tal Protection Authority gave New Zealand King Salmon consent to develop four new fish farms in the Marlboroug­h Sounds. It had applied for nine.

Few people are pleased with the decision from the board of inquiry set up under the authority to hear the submission­s, which took nine weeks. Opponents of the company say four is too many, supporters claim it is too little and the debate will continue well into 2013.

The year that begins tomorrow is an important one for the Marlboroug­h District Council. It is election year, with all the conflicts and debates involved in that democratic process.

Businesspe­ople also hope the year will bring some clarity from the Government on its plans for moving the interislan­d ferry terminal from Picton to Clifford Bay.

And what about you? What do you hope the coming year will bring? In 365 days, what will have helped you deem the year a success?

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