Marlborough Express

Driver leaves crash site for drink at pub


A man who crashed into a parked car went to the pub for a drink before calling police to turn himself in.

Blenheim man Cama I Onolevu, 39, was driving on Colemans Rd in Blenheim when he crashed about 9.30pm on September 3.

A police summary of facts said Onolevu was driving when he dropped his phone, before reaching down to grab it from the floor of the car.

The car veered to the left and crashed into a parked car, pushing it over the kerb and grass verge, and through a low brick fence.

Onolevu then drove his car home before taking a taxi to the pub, where he called police to notify them of the crash.

When police found him at the pub, he admitted to drinking three cans of beer before the crash happened.

An evidential breath test showed a level of 471 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath. The legal limit is 250mcg.

However he had drunk alcohol since arriving at the bar, he said.

The owner of the house and the car sought $4000 in reparation for damages.

Onolevu’s lawyer Kent Arnott said he was employed as a builder and he could pay a fine and reparation straight away.

He had two previous conviction­s for drink-driving, both in 2006.

Judge Tony Zohrab said Onolevu deserved credit for turning himself in and being honest about having consumed alcohol before the crash.

A person convicted of drinkdrivi­ng for the third time would normally be disqualifi­ed for 12 months and a day, but Judge Zohrab said Onolevu’s case involved special circumstan­ces.

He disqualifi­ed Onolevu fromdrivin­g for 60 days.

‘‘You may think that’s pretty harsh but I suspect you’re fortunate,’’ Judge Zohrab said.

‘‘Most people manage to see out their licences without any drinkdrivi­ng conviction­s, and now you’ve got three.’’

Onolevu was ordered to pay $4000 in reparation within 60 days, and a $500 fine.

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