Marlborough Express

Jilted wife’s revenge lands her in court and a $250 fine


A woman took revenge over her husband’s affair by distributi­ng nude photos of the other woman around their community.

Photocopie­s of nude photograph­s of the victim, which she had sent to the defendant’s husband, were placed on car windscreen­s and mailed to businesses and the victim’s own husband.

Another copy of the photos and a handwritte­n note ‘‘nice selfies’’ along with the victim’s name, was sent to her workplace.

The actions landed Gaylyne Joy Fowler, 49, and another woman in the Hawera District Court on Tuesday jointly charged with offensive behaviour.

The victim had an affair with Fowler’s husband which started in July 2014 and continued for a short period, police prosecutor Sergeant Steve Hickey said.

’’During this affair the victim sent nude intimate photograph­s of herself to Fowler’s husband, which were subsequent­ly discovered by his teenage son and shown to Fowler. This led to the end of Fowler’s 25-year marriage.’’

Fowler kept copies of the nude photograph­s and videos of sexual encounters between the victim and Fowler’s husband, Hickey said.

Fowler’s husband is a former chief fire officer of the Hawera Volunteer Fire Brigade.

In court, Fowler pleaded guilty to the charge, which carries a maximum penalty of $1000.

Hickey said that in early November 2016, Fowler printed off an A4-sized page containing several nude photograph­s of the victim and made approximat­ely 10 copies.

On November 5, during a Fire Service gold star medal presentati­on, about five copies of the page with the nude photo- graphs were placed under the windshield wipers of vehicles parked in the Hawera fire station car park.

On November 9, a plain envelope was slipped under the door of the victim’s place of work, containing the note and photos. This was opened by the receptioni­st at the workplace who then handed it to the victim.

Between November 18 and 28, further letters containing the nude photograph­s were posted to businesses, the Hawera fire station, and the victim’s husband.

These letters contained the same nude intimate photograph­s of the victim and also had small newspaper cut outs to assist the recipients in identifyin­g the victim as the subject in the photograph­s.

‘‘The explanatio­n is pretty self evident as to why this happened,’’ Hickey said after reading the police summary to the court.

Judge Philip Crayton fined Fowler $250. ’’I should imagine that since you have been charged you have had plenty of time to consider your position and the trouble you got into. You know you shouldn’t have embarked on that behaviour.’’

The second defendant, Myree Woodhead, 44, did not plea and was remanded to January 31. – Fairfax NZ

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