Marlborough Express

Social change comes to Ireland and even to Serbia


For most Irish people the most striking thing about their new prime minister, Leo Varadkar, is that he is very young. (At 38, he is the country’s youngest leader ever.) It’s mainly the foreign press that goes on about the fact that he is a) half-Indian, and b) gay.

Varadkar himself, the son of a doctor from India and a nurse from Ireland who met while working in a hospital in southern England, is definitely not keen on being seen as a symbol of changing public attitudes: ‘‘I’m not a halfIndian politician, or a doctor politician or a gay politician, for that matter. It’s just part of who I am. It doesn’t define me.’’

No, it doesn’t, but it is still worth focussing on for a moment to think about what it tells us, not just about Ireland, but about the West as a whole, and even about the world.

Homosexual­ity was legalised in England in 1967, and it was decriminal­ised in Canada the following year (when Pierre Trudeau, then the justice minister, told the CBC that ‘‘there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation"). It only became legal in Ireland a quarter-century later, in 1993. But two years ago same-sex marriage was made legal in Ireland by a referendum in which 62 per cent of the voters said yes.

Well, we already knew that Ireland had changed. It has lots of immigrants now – one in every eight people is foreign-born – and the political power of the Catholic Church has collapsed. So it’s no longer a surprise that an IndoIrish gay man can become prime minister. But what about Serbia?

The only ‘‘immigrants’’ in Serbia are ethnic Serbs who were stranded in other parts of former Yugoslavia after the breakup. The Serbian Orthodox Church is still strong, and it has no truck with degenerate Western ideas about human rights. As one Orthodox monk wrote: ‘‘Homosexual­ity is not a problem in Serbia. There are hardly any gay people, and society wouldn’t permit them to organise or (publicly advocate) their abominatio­ns.’’

Two-thirds of Serbians think that homosexual­ity is an illness, and almost four-fifths believe that gay people should stay in the closet. But Ana Brnabic is an out and proud lesbian, and she has just been appointed prime minister of Serbia. She is also of Croatian descent. How has this happened?

Brnabic was appointed by Alexandar Vucic, who was prime minister himself until he ascended to the presidency in last month’s election. The prime minister is constituti­onally the most powerful person in the government, but Brnabic is a technocrat, not really a politician. It is widely expected that she will concentrat­e on making the trains run on time, so to speak, and leave the sensitive political decisions to Vucic.

The general assumption in WORLD VIEW Serbian political circles is that Brnabic’s appointmen­t is windowdres­sing. Serbia wants to join the European Union, and the government would quite like to divert the EU’s attention from a few little image problems: its close ties with Russia, its hostility to refugees, and rampant corruption.So what could be better than a woman prime minister (a Serbian first) who is openly gay (another Serbian first) and even has foreign antecedent­s (her father was born in Croatia)? Why, the Serbs are even more enlightene­d than the Irish! We should make them full members of the EU as soon as possible!

That may well be the plan – and if it is, so what? The European Union knows that there was a considerab­le amount of calculatio­n behind Brnabic’s appointmen­t, but it will not condemn President Alexandar Vucic for trying to make Serbia look like a suitable candidate for EU membership.

Lots of ordinary Serbs will be shocked by this assault on ‘‘Serbian values’’, but many of them will understand that it serves the national interest. And little by little, just because Brnabic is the prime minister, they will grow less uncomforta­ble with the notion of gays – and indeed just women in general – having a legitimate role in public life.

This is how change really happens: not sudden enlightenm­ent, but a gradual acceptance of new rules and values. And the most encouragin­g take-away from this little story is that even a man like Vucic, once an ally of the murderous demagogue Slobodan Milosevic, understand­s the new political and social rules of the West.They are not yet the new rules everywhere. Eastern Europe is way behind Western Europe, North America and Latin America, largely because it spent between forty and seventy years isolated from the rest of the world under Communist rule. The struggle is still intense in parts of Asia, and it has scarcely begun in most of Africa and the Muslim world.

Gay rights, feminism and human rights in general are not really ‘‘Western’’ values: a hundred years ago the West was just as intolerant of difference as everybody else. The change has come to the West earlier mainly because it is richer, but we are all travelling on the same train, and the other end will pull into the station just a little bit later.

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