Marlborough Express

Neoliberal agenda has failed NZ - Ardern


Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says neoliberal­ism has failed and New Zealand has always been served well by interventi­onist government.

Outlining her economic ideology, she said she agreed with former Prime Minister Jim Bolger’s assessment of neoliberal­ism in New Zealand: that it had failed.

‘‘Neoliberal­ism’’ traditiona­lly describes the political shift in the 1980s towards privatisat­ion of government services, a focus on individual freedoms over collective good, and a general glorificat­ion of market principles.

‘‘New Zealand has been served well by interventi­onist government­s. That actually it’s about making sure your market serves your people – it’s a poor master but a good servant,’’ Ardern said.

‘‘Any expectatio­n that we just simply allow the market to dictate our outcomes for people is where I would want to make sure that we were more interventi­onist.’’

However, she ruled out major changes to the legislatio­n that sets out monetary policy.

‘‘For me the neoliberal agenda is what does it mean for people? What did it mean for people’s outcomes around employment, around poverty, around their ability to get a house?

‘‘And on that front I stand by all our commitment­s to say that none of that should exist in a wealthy society. And there are mechanisms we can use that are beyond just our economic instrument­s and acts, to turn that around,’’ she told RNZ.

Interviewe­r Guyon Espiner challenged her on this, saying Labour’s current plans would not take New Zealand away from neoliberal­ism, as it still wanted to keep core Crown spending low.

‘‘Being fiscally responsibl­e is not akin to a neoliberal agenda,’’ Ardern replied.

Espiner asked Prime Minister Bill English the same question when interviewi­ng him recently.

‘‘Frankly I don’t know what [Bolger] meant by that – we have an economy that is underpinne­d by market principles, that’s broadly accepted,’’ English said.

‘‘Words are a product of their time. This economy is in good shape. It’s one of the better performing in the world on most measures.’’

The conversati­on with Ardern then moved to globalisat­ion. Ardern said globalisat­ion had been an ‘‘inevitable’’ but ‘‘mixed’’ force in New Zealand.

‘‘There’s no rolling back the clock,’’ Ardern said.

‘‘Globalisat­ion, we probably could have done a bit more to prepare ourselves for that, but the next challenge beyond globalisat­ion is automation, artificial intelligen­ce. That’s the next frontier for New Zealand.

‘‘My concern is that unless we start preparing our workforce for that, that could equally be jarring.’’

Her party’s intention to introduce three free years of postsecond­ary education was intended to help soothe the transition to a more automated society.

Ardern said that as prime minister she would like to also be minister for arts, culture and heritage as well as minister for children, but acknowledg­ed this could be a hefty workload.

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