Marlborough Express

Gastro outbreak hits school camping trip


A group of schoolchil­dren visiting the top of the South Island on a camping trip have been struck by a vomiting bug.

The Wellington students, of intermedia­te school age, have developed symptoms of the highly contagious infection gastroente­ritis, which includes vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps, nausea and a lowgrade fever.

Nelson Marlboroug­h Health public health service clinical director Dr Stephen Bridgman confirmed the public health service was notified of the outbreak on Friday morning.

About 130 students travelled from Wellington to Marlboroug­h by ferry and on to camp in Nelson on Monday.

Public health service staff were still confirming the total number of people showing symptoms, Dr Bridgman said.

Staff visited the camp to isolate the group and ensure the infection did not spread any further.

Students who were well would be sent home once transport was arranged, but students who showed symptoms would be cared for at the camp.

No-one from the camp had been hospitalis­ed, he said.

Staff were unable to confirm whether the source of infection was local, or if it was brought into the South Island by the group, he said.

They were also unable to confirm whether norovirus was the cause of the outbreak, Dr Bridgman said.

The group were isolated at a private campground and there was no risk to the public.

The outbreak comes a week after six patients with gastroente­ritis were placed in isolation at Nelson Hospital.

Gastroente­ritis was very common, highly infectious and very easily spread from person to person, especially through contaminat­ed food or water, or touching contaminat­ed surfaces.

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