Marlborough Express

Russian trolls worked to suppress black votes


Russian interferen­ce with the 2016 US presidenti­al election involved every major social media platform and was particular­ly aimed at suppressin­g black voters, two new reports have found.

The reports for the US Senate Intelligen­ce Committee analysed data from major technology companies and confirmed that the Kremlin operation was even wider than previously thought.

They found that Russia also stepped up its campaign during 2017, seeking to bolster support for President Donald Trump, and unleashed a torrent of propaganda on Instagram which may have been even more extensive than its use of Facebook.

The reports give the clearest picture yet of the massive disinforma­tion operation run by Russia’s Internet Research Agency, based in St Petersburg.

One report was produced by the University of Oxford’s Computatio­nal Propaganda Project and the social media analysis firm Graphika, the other by US cybersecur­ity company New Knowledge and Columbia University.

They studied millions of social media posts, concluding Russian efforts remain ‘‘active and ongoing,’’ and would be for the ‘‘foreseeabl­e future’’.

While Russia sought to demoralise Hispanic, millennial, and LGBTQ voters, there was a special focus on discouragi­ng black Americans from going to the polls.

The Oxford study said black voters were encouraged to ‘‘boycott’’ the election as the Russians ‘‘spread cynicism and preyed on anger with structural inequaliti­es including police violence, poverty, and disproport­ionate levels of incarcerat­ion’’.

A host of sites were set up, including blackvswhi­, blacktivis­, and blackmatte­, while ‘‘extreme Right-wing voters were encouraged to be more confrontat­ional’’.

The Oxford report said: ‘‘Differenti­al messaging to each of these target groups was designed to push and pull them in different ways. What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party – and specifical­ly, Donald Trump.’’

The New Knowledge report pointed out that social media companies should have picked up Russian operations earlier because many of the early advertisem­ents they bought were paid for in roubles, and had Russian telephone numbers associated with them.

Researcher­s also concluded that Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder, was the subject of favourable Russian posts shortly before his website released hacked emails embarrassi­ng to the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.

The reports found the operation to influence US voters stretched back to 2013, long before it was seeking to promote Mr Trump. It revealed a ‘‘nuanced and deep knowledge of American culture, media, and influencer­s in each community targeted’’.

Russia has denied it meddled in the US election, contrary to the conclusion of US intelligen­ce agencies.

Earlier this year, special counsel Robert Mueller charged 13 Russians and three Russian companies, with an alleged conspiracy to tamper with the US presidenti­al race. – Telegraph Group

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