Marlborough Express

Ross makes new claim of influence


Former National MP Jami-lee Ross used a select committee on foreign interferen­ce in elections to intimate the Chinese community were keen on installing a Chinese minister in the next National-led Government.

Ross would not repeat his claims in full or elaborate on them outside the committee room, where he lacked the legal protection he has inside a select committee hearing.

The claim took the form of a question to NZ Security Intelligen­ce Service head Rebecca Kitteridge, who was submitting on possible political interferen­ce.

Kitteridge had said the intelligen­ce agencies regularly briefed both ministers and the leader of the opposition, Simon Bridges, in a long-running practice.

Ross asked whether those briefings had ever contained concerns about ‘‘specific individual­s’’ posing a threat to New Zealand’s political environmen­t.

Kitteridge replied: ‘‘... In this area we’ve provided briefings, as we’re required to do, to both ministers and the leader of the opposition.’’

The now-independen­t MP followed up his question by asking whether Bridges had been basing his comments on a briefing from her when, in an alleged conversati­on between Ross and Bridges on May 14 last year, Bridges said the Chinese community were keen on a Chinese minister in a future Government.

Kitteridge would not comment further on specific intelligen­ce.

A spokeswoma­n for Bridges said he would not comment on anything Ross said.

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