Marlborough Express

Kiwi fighter pays tribute to fallen team-mate


But as soon as his hand was raised Riddell’s thoughts turned to City Kickboxing team-mate Vake, a promising mixed martial artist who died last month due to injuries suffered after an alleged attack while waiting for a taxi in central Auckland.

Four men charged over the incident appeared in the Auckland District Court on Tuesday, while one of the group has been charged with manslaught­er.

‘‘My friend got murdered two weeks ago, so I was never going to lose this fight,’’ Riddell said. ‘‘I had a driving force that was bigger than me and I’m very, very grateful I still get to walk on this planet. The walkout song might have seemed a little bit weird but that was his walkout song.

‘‘That was my tribute to his family because unfortunat­ely he’ll never get to make this walk, but I miss you Fau and I hope you’re proud.’’

It was a huge result for Riddell (10-1), who made it four from four since joining the UFC in 2019, with the result likely earning him a spot in the top-15 of the division.

With Riddell and Dober (23-11) both high-level strikers renowned for their action-packed style, the matchup was always expected to be a fight of the night contender. It didn’t disappoint.

Apart from the takedowns, which Riddell won 5-1, it was an extremely even contest. Dober rocked Riddell in the first round and by the second, the Kiwi was bleeding from his forehead and ridge of his nose.

However, on the back of a laser right-hand, Riddell out-landed his opponent 113-78 and won the significan­t strike count 89-73, according to UFC stats.

If it wasn’t for Dober’s granitelik­e chin Riddell probably would have won inside the distance, which looked to be the case after staggering the American southpaw in the dying stages only for the latter to survive.

Riddell was making his first appearance in ninth months after the bout against Gregor Gillespie, scheduled for March, was called off at the last minute due to Covid-19 protocols.

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