Matamata Chronicle

Mayor calls meeting on pan levy


Matamata-piako District Mayor Hugh Vercoe will meet with people concerned about the proposed pan charges being mooted by Matamata-piako District Council as part of its 10-year plan process.

The meeting will take place in the Tainui Room at the Memorial Centre tomorrow, Thursday, May 3 at 5.30pm.

Last week the Matamata Chronicle reported that while preparing its 10-year plan, the council is looking at a number of initiative­s, including introducin­g pan charges.

This means changing from a flat rate for wastewater to a pan charge where non-residentia­l ratepayers will be charged based on the number of pans (toilets or urinals) they have.

The council is planning to use a graduated scale of charges, meaning the more toilets or urinals a non-residentia­l ratepayer has, the less they will pay each pan.

Mr Vercoe will be available to answer any questions and is urging all those who want to have a say to attend the meeting or make a submission.

One person who will be making a submission is Pohlen Hospital chief executive Anton Turner.

If the proposed pan charges become a reality, the hospital’s wastewater rates will go from $593.90 annually to $18,812.

‘‘Something like that would have huge impact on us,’’ he said. ‘‘That’s a 3167 per cent increase.’’ Matamata Bowling Club treasurer Shirley Macleod said her club would have to increase its subs by at least 40 per cent to be able to meet the cost of annual pan charges. ‘‘This will see a decline in membership because people just simply can’t afford to pay more subs,’’ she said.

Maple Lodge owner Denise Williams said it was vital that people who did not want to see the proposed pan charges being implemente­d attend the meeting.

‘‘ We want a fair proposed is not fair.

‘‘The council needs to look at this again,’’ she said.

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